"You cursed demon! What are you trying to do now!"

Tian Yao didn't reply. He only silently and firmly pinned Yan Hui. Only, the hand that was pressing against Yan Hui's chest swept around to her back to hug her up. Then, using his teeth, he bit the torn clothing where the jian had pierced her heart. With a jerk of his head, he tore her clothes open, revealing soft, white skin and congealed blood around her wound.

Yan Hui drew in a sharp breath at the sound of the clothes ripping. She cried out in fear and anger: "What are you doing!?"

Tian Yao still didn't respond. His lips pressed against the revealed skin. Then without a trace of gentleness, he bit down on her wound.

The wound that Yan Hui had painstakingly used magic to heal opened again under Tian Yao's teeth; blood started to flow out.

Yan Hui bit her lip in pain. She couldn't hold back a low cry coming from her throat.

After the pain came the sensation of her blood slowly being sucked out. Yan Hui didn't have the strength to struggle. Healing herself and then fighting against Tian Yao had wasted every bit of her slightly regained magic and strength. Now she was like a rag doll, letting Tian Yao hug her and bite.

She lifted her head to look at the icicles on the ceiling. From some mirror-like icicles, Yan Hui had a strange perspective. She could see herself and Tian Yao.

A dangerous mood, ambiguous movements. They.......looked like they were doing the most intimate deed.

However, at this moment, Yan Hui only wanted to mince Tian Yao up and feed him to the pigs.

Counting the last time the moon was around and Tian Yao bit her mouth by the lakeside, this was the second time he bit her. Totaling it all up, she had been hurt by him twice and bit by him twice. Yan Hui concluded, she had never suffered so much humiliation from anyone else as she did from this guy.

It made her feel like no matter how much she demanded.......she could never get anything back.

Yan Hui's vision slowly started to become blurry. She knew she had already lost too much blood. If she continued to let Tian Yao drink her blood, then she feared she would soon be sucked dry......

"Are you trying to kill me?"

Yan Hui's voice was very low, but it was enough for Tian Yao's ears to pick up.

Tian Yao seemed slightly distracted for a moment, but he didn't stop.

Yan Hui's blood was like a fatalistic attraction for the current Tian Yao. He laid on top of her for a long time before finally releasing his teeth from her flesh. The skin around Yan Hui's wound had already turned deathly pale due to the lack of blood.

There was no more blood flowing from the wound. However, a few drops of blood did fall from the edge of Tian Yao's lips. Without any hesitation, Tian Yao stuck out his tongue and licked Yan Hui's chest clean where the drops of blood fell.

Then he clenched his teeth.

It was like he was resisting the world's most enticing charm.

He held Yan Hui tightly, lowering his forehead onto her shoulder. He closed his eyes and silently endured. The hand holding Yan Hui's wrist continued to tighten. It was like he was going to squeeze her into pieces.

It was quite a long time until Tian Yao's head slowly lifted up.

His expression had slightly relaxed. It was like the thirst in his body had finally been relieved by a great deal.

But he still didn't spare a glance toward Yan Hui. He only turned over, his body falling heavily onto the ground. He laid on the ground as if a lot of his strength had been used up. Even his breathing was light and slow.

Yan Hui lost too much blood. Her body felt so heavy that she couldn't get up. The two quietly laid side-by-side,  listening to the sound of distant rocks thudding onto the icy lake's surface.

They didn't even have the strength to bicker with each other.

However, Yan Hui fortunately regained her cultivation. Her inner breath continued to recover. This made it a lot easier for her to accept.

Yan Hui guessed that when the snake demon's venom entered her heart, her body was unable to flush it out. However, when Tian Yao's jian pierced her heart, a lot of her blood flowed out which also flushed out the snake venom. That's why she was able to regain her cultivation.

This really was profiting from disaster......

Yan Hui hadn't finished her thoughts when Tian Yao, who was lying by her, weakly opened his mouth: "Now that the spell array is broken, the rocks will continue to collapse. Now that you've regained your cultivation, cast an Escape Technique and take me out of here."

Yan Hui heard his words but took a long time to react: "You planned on me regaining my magic at this moment and just conveniently taking you out of here?"

Tian Yao easily admitted: "I told you I would help you recover your magic."


Yan Hui felt like she really couldn't live a happy life.

She thought for a long time and then nodded: "You succeeded in betraying me, hurting me, and almost consumed me. Then you finally found the thing you wanted and plan to triumphantly return. You even want me to take you out of here."

Tian Yao was silent. His silence was a tacit agreement.

"I understand. I understand. From the beginning to the end, you never saw me as a person. Oh, that's right. You're a demon. Not seeing people as people is something that's expected."

The rocks falling from the ceiling were getting bigger and bigger. The activity was becoming increasingly worrisome.

Tian Yao scowled: "I didn't kill you."

It turns out in this dragon demon's eyes, sparing her life was a huge favor!

Could he be any more shameless, harming someone and then wanting that person to help out? And with a tone like that......

Yan Hui nodded in understanding: "You should get your friends and family to teach you a principle: If you want something from a person, you don't have the final say. The other person has the final say. If there's no one to teach you, then I will teach you today."

Tian Yao looked at the falling rocks. His expression was impatient: "What do you want to say? Don't waste words."

Yan Hui coldly laughed: "Fine, I won't waste words. Today I'll tell you. If you want me to bring you out, fine. But you have to take responsibility for your actions and sincerely kowtow and apologize, saying three times, 'Great lady, I'm begging you' three times. Then I'll bring you out."

Tian Yao also coldly laughed: "You really know how to hit someone who's down."

"It doesn't compare to your scheming."

Tian Yao didn't take the bait. He only said: "I already got the thing I wanted. It can help Zhenren Qi Yun regain her memories."

Yan Hui clenched her fist and gritted her teeth. Hate flitted over her face. She threw caution to the wind and said: "I don't care."

Tian Yao's lips slightly moved in satisfaction. Then Yan Hui added: "In any case, I'm no longer one of Chen Xing Mountain's people. The difficulties my ex-shifu encounters are none of my business. If other great sects have a misunderstanding, his skills are great. He can settle it himself!"

Yan Hui's heart hardened. She turned her head and casted a spell in her hand: "You didn't apologize, so you can count the falling rocks!"

Tian Yao stared blankly. He heard the sound of wind and turned his head in astonishment.

This girl actually......

Really ran off!

This girl who even occasionally called out "shifu" in her sleep actually really......left......

Tian Yao thought he had assessed the human heart. However, he hadn't anticipated when confronting this heart, it would be so unexpectedly......


The author has something to say:    
Tian Yao: The script wasn't originally like this! Throws down!

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