I was in the king's car. He had his car parked in front of the gate. I was in one of his hoodies. The time now was around 9pm and tomorrow was school. How I wish I could just skip not go but I didn't have that luxury. I was already behind the rest of the other students. I couldn't afford to be even more behind.
Kumkani: "What are you thinking about little beauty?" We've been sitting in silence this whole time listening to the music that was playing on the radio.
Me: "About school." I told him. My seat was in a lying position and I had my feet up on the dashboard.
Kumkani: "You still having trouble with keeping up?"
Me: "Yeah." I groaned... "I don't know why because I'm trying my best to catch up." I blew out a breath... "maybe I'm stupid."
Kumkani: "There's no such thing. You just need to get your bearings that's all and then you'll be fine."
Me: "But time is against me. Exams are coming up soon and some of my DP scores are not looking good already which means I'll have to study like a maniac."
Kumkani: "Don't worry yourself beautiful." He said turning to me and brushing my face... "you'll do well."
Me: "Why are you so sure?"
Kumkani: "Because my little beauty is intelligent, of course." I smiled slightly.
Me: "At least one of us still thinks so." He shook his head.
Kumkani: "Knows so." I smiled fully now.
Me: "You give a good confidence boost, do you know that?" He just smiled and said nothing... "do you know that I actually did a whole bow when I was greeting your uncles earlier on?" I blurted out after a short while.
Kumkani: "I heard."
Me: "You did?" He nodded... "from your father?" He shook his head.
Kumkani: "From Uncle Sthe and Uncle Sine." I frowned trying to remember who they were out of the 20... "the twins." Oh the twins! I remember them. Of course. One of them had been funny as hell.
Me: "They laughed at me didn't they?" The king chuckled... "oh my God! They did didn't they?" I groaned... "I don't know why I bowed. I was just nervous and...and.." I groaned again covering my face... "I'm such an idiot. I'm sure they also think that, right?"
Kumkani: "No they don't my moon. They said the whole bow thing was really cute." He told me still chuckling.
Me: "Then why are you chuckling?" I squinted my eyes at him... "you're lying aren't you?"
Kumkani: "I'm not. I just wished that I had seen you do the bow that's all." I huffed.
Me: "This is all your fault." I said hitting his chest.
Kumkani: "Me? How?"
Me: "You're the one who's always bowing and everything so undosulele." Now he laughed a full laugh... "why you laughing? Stop laughing at me!" I pouted.
Kumkani: "Oh my beautiful moon, my uncles are right, you're cute as fuck." Mxm! I continued to pout turning my face away from him... "I'm so happy right now little beauty." He told me after a short while... "thank you." I turned my face looking at him... "because of you I'm smiling and laughing more than I've ever have in my life. Thank you." God!
Me: "King..."
Kumkani: "You will never want for anything my moon because I will make sure to give you everything in this world." He vowed.
Me: "All I want is you King, nothing else." I told him softly. The all too familiar sexy sound resonated from his chest.
Kumkani: "Say that again." He commanded all up in my face. Yikes!
Me: "I said all I want is you King, nothing else-." And then he kissed me.
Kumkani: "Say it again." He commanded against my tingling lips.
Me: "All I want is you King-." He kissed me again.
Kumkani: "Say it again." God! He was killing me.
Me: "All I want is you King-." He kissed me again but this one was longer and more bruising than the others.
Kumkani: "Fucken happy to hear you say that my moon but I'm still going to give you the world."

It was Monday evening, I was busy texting my friends when I got an incoming call. It was from a number I didn't know. After contemplating a bit, I answered.
Me: "Hello?"
Caller: "Hey Khazie sweetheart. It's me Busi, King's mother." I sat up fast.
Me: "Oh hey Busi." She laughed a bit.
Busi: "I didn't disturb you didn't I?"
Me: "N-No you didn't."
Busi: "Oh that's great then. You know, I've been meaning to call you all this time but I told myself let me call you after the whole thing with the lobola negotiations is over." She told me... "so how are you Makoti wam?" Gosh! Why was it so nice to hear her call me like that?
Me: "I'm good Ma thanks. How are you?"
Busi: "I'm also good sweetheart. Can you do me a favor though?"
Me: "Yes?"
Busi: "Could you text me your mother's phone number. I want to call her and invite you all to have dinner with us this Saturday evening."
Me: "Oh okay that's not a problem. I'll do that."
Busi: "Oh thank you Khazie my child. You know I'm so excited that I'll get to see you again." She told me.
Me: "Really?"
Busi: "Yes. I've missed you." This woman! My heart warmed. And to be honest I had missed her too even though I didn't know her that well. But what I did know about her so far, I liked a lot. She was the bomb man.
Me: "I've also missed you Ma."
Busi: "Really?!" She exclaimed happily. "Honey Khazie said she missed me too." I heard grunting in the background. Oh my gosh! Was that her husband? I'm sure it was. I couldn't mistake that grunt.
Busi: "Ohh Khazie you can't begin to know how happy that makes me to hear that from you." Actually I could since I could hear the genuine happiness from her voice. This woman really liked me. There was no pretending... "okay let me let you go and not keep you Khazie. Don't forget to send me that number okay?"
Me: "Okay Ma."
Busi: "Okay bye sweetheart." Then she hung up. I quickly sent her my mother's cellphone number and she replied with a heart emoji. So Saturday we were going to eat dinner with the king's family. I guess I had to cancel the plans I had made with my friends. They were not going to be happy but there was nothing I could do about that. So I proceeded to tell them that we should postpone the meet up to another date since something came up. Even though they weren't happy as I had said, we postponed our meet up to the following week.

Mother: "Are you sure this is the right address Zolani?"
Father: "Yes, the GPS says so wife."
Me: "It's the right address Mama." I might not remember the way here but I remember the house. We were parked in front of the huge ass gate.
Mother: "Khazimle tell me, how rich are your in laws?"
Me: "Judging from what I've seen and heard, I would say very rich."
Mother: "O-Oh I see." She said nodding. If she was white I would say she looked pale right now but I couldn't say that since she wasn't. But I'm sure you guys get the picture of how she looked... "what do we do now? How do we get this gate opened?" I called the king and he picked up after one ring. Yikes! It's likes he had been waiting for my call.
Kumkani: "My moon."
Me: "We're here. Can you open the gate for us?"
Kumkani: "Okay wait a sec." After a few seconds the gate started to open... "done."
Me: "Okay thank you."
Kumkani: "Just to give you a heads up beautiful, some of my cousins and their wives are also here."
Me: "Really?" He hummed.
Kumkani: "My mother is not happy. I guess they kind of like invited themselves." Oh wow!
Me: "Okay. Thank you for the heads up my King."
Kumkani: "When I see you, I'm going to kiss you. Be prepared." This man! My belly flipped... "you hear?"
Me: "I hear you." Then he hung up. As we drove up the driveway my mother's mouth was literally on the floor. Not that I blamed her. This house was absolutely exquisite guys. Even me, I was in awe even though it wasn't my first time being here. My father was the only one who looked composed amongst us three.

It somehow happened that I got stuck with the wives. My mother was chatting up a storm with Busi. I think they were discussing the guest list for the wedding or something, and my father and the king had disappeared somewhere in the house with the king's father and all the other men. There was 9 wives in total. I was really going to be the tenth wife bethu. Crazy, I know. Anyway, most of them were smiling and at me while some assessed me. As they assessed me I also did my own assessment of them. I wasn't going to be intimidated by them even though I could see that they were a little older than me. "So you're the soon to be wife of Kumkani?" One of them asked. I said nothing because I mean, hello, she was asking the obvious. She sighed.
Her: "It's a real pity since I had promised my friend to hook her up with him." She said taking a sip of her wine.
Me: "It is a real pity." I said surprising her... "so make sure that you console her...since I'm here to stay." I said showing and pointing to my ring......

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