Career Day Part 2

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"In my book bag."

"Go get it so we can be twins."


"Really." She went to her book bag to get the other bow. This one was pink.

"How it go?" She helped Travis put it on.

She cracked up.

"Y'all like my hair?" Travis asked the class.

"You look like a girl." A boy who looked like Lil Terio shouted out.

The class laughed.

"And you look like you need to lay off the cupcakes."

The class snickered.

"I'm playing buddy. What's your name?"


"Lamar. What you want to be when you grow up?"

"I don't know." He shrugged.

"Come here."

He came up there with Travis.

"Now I was Lamar's age when I realized I wanted to be an actor. I was a lot skinner. But that's okay the ladies love em big too. You know who Biggie is?"

"No." He shook his head.

"A rapper." Another little boy shouted out.

"Yes and he was round full of love just like you. But he had swag. Say swag."

The whole class said swagg.

"Now you can be anything you want Lamar as long as you have swagg. And swagg doesn't mean clothes or material stuff. It's knowing who you are and not caring what other people say. Okay?"

"Mm-hm." He shook his head okay.

"Everybody stand up."

All the kids stood up.

"Now let's gather around in a circle."

The kids gathered around in a circle.

"Now we're going to play and acting game I usually do as a warm up. So what happens is we go around in a circle and each of us makes an animal sound. As an actor it helps open up your vocal chords and get you loose. The one catch is you can't make the same sound as someone else. Okay?"

"Okay." They jumped up and down and said excited.

"O start."

"Rawr." O said.

"Rawr. That sound more like a baby cat than a lion. Give it to me from your gut boah!"

"Rawrrrrrrrr!" O said loudly.

"Now that's right. Sata come on."

"I don't know what to do." She put her fingers in her mouth shyly.

"Girl you better do something."

"Roof-roof." She said softly.

"Why you whispering?"

"I didn't." she laughed

They went around the room and the other children went except one little boy.

"Come on man go."

He shook his head no.

Travis came over to him and bent down.

"He doesn't talk much." The teacher interrupted.

"Well he gon talk today. What's wrong?" Trav looked at him.

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