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**** Amb's song in the m/m. You should listen so you know how it goes. It's her singing.  ****


I went in the bathroom after Aug. He was sitting on the edge of the bathtub, with his head in his hands. I stood in front of him.

“Babe come with me.” I held out my hand for him to grab.

He shook his head no and shooed me away. I got on my knees and took both his hands in mine.

 “Please baby. I can show you how sorry I am, better than I can tell you.”  I looked in his eyes.

“I just want to be left alone.” He took his hands back, got up and went into the room.

“Baby please get dressed and come with me.” I got some clothes out for him to wear and held them out to him.

He sat on the bed for a second and thought about it. He took the clothes from me.

“You can meet me downstairs after you get washed up and dressed.” I walked out.

My stomach was in complete knots. He seemed to be a little more receptive to what I had to say than before. And I hope with what I planned, he would accept my apology.

Seeing him breakdown like that just reminded me of how much he really does love me, and how foul I had been. I was being selfish and not thinking about him or my kids when I made the decision I made. I am just so grateful it went no further than it did. I couldn’t live with myself if I would’ve allowed that.

I heard him come downstairs. He silently followed behind me to my car. He didn’t ask where we were going and I didn’t bother telling him. He just stared out the window the whole time. He had shades on so I couldn’t read his face. But I wanted to know what he was thinking.

I parked on the street. We both got out and he followed behind me. We walked to this public park, and there on the corner with a keyboard set up, was Sam. Sam was the guy Nicki suggested play for me. He looked just like Adam Levine and was amazingly talented.

He loved music so much, he made setting up his keyboard and playing on the corner his daily job. And he got paid considerably  well too he told us from passersby who put money in a container he had set up on the edge of the keyboard.

Me and Nicki had talked to him about doing my song, this weekend, but now was the perfect time.

When we walked up he was singing “Rolling In The Deep”, people were standing around listening to him play and sing. Some dropped money in his container.

When he saw me walk up he smiled and nodded, then continued his song. I smiled back.

“Amb what are we doing? I wanna go home. I ain’t got time for games.” August said irritated.

“Just one second let him finish babe.”

Aug rolled his eyes, then sat on a bench that was by the area, scrolling through his phone angry.

Sam finished his song and the people clapped.

“Hey Amb.” He got up and hugged me.

“Hey Sam. You mind if I do it today. I think it’s the perfect time and I finally got him here.”

We turned toward Aug.

“Sure.” He handed me the mic that was attached to his speaker he had set up, then sat at the piano playing a couple of introductory chords.

I cleared my throat.

“Hi everybody.” I cheesed hella hard, nervous at the people standing around.

Life After Marriage Book 3Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora