Final chapter / thank yous

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The final chapter of this series will be posted soon. In the meantime I want to take the time to thank every single person who has read this series from beginning to end.

This series has been a tremendous experience for me period. It was the first thing I ever wrote on here after simply coming on to read Aug fanfics. I never knew the support would be so overwhelming.

I must thank the people who were here before I even started writing. Most of them aren't even active anymore but their impact is just the same. So whether they see this or not I must thank them. Also check out there work.

I must thank KingLina  for writing one of the best books ever that inspired me to write when I first joined.

KaylaAngel  for being so supportive from the beginning when I read her first book and making wonderful covers when I needed them. Love you Sis!

itsKen_  for her feedback, activism and always telling the truth.

TalkativeIntrovert  for being the crew and supporting! And always having an off the wall opinion.

AlsinaLovee_ who is such a beautiful writer and I know she's in college now and don't get on here but she was so instrumental.

_Trillest omg she never gets on but she is squad and her comments always had me going.

C-Rawww what can I say about Court besides she's such a tremendous inspiration. Her writing amazing and she has been so supportive of me.

TrulyBlissful  the first plus size book I ever read on here. Let me know we could be put in a narrative.

VSWEST omg her writing was so descriptive and amazing! One of the reasons I said I must write.

2wiceMob my wattpad bestie!!! Who had the most hilarious comments ever from the beginning!

Bella_Nay  whom I've seen bloom from first telling me she wanted to write to becoming a great author. And every milestone I ever had she was the first to congratulate me before I even knew. I love you so much for that Sis !!

LourDarden  who was more excited about Amber's journey than Amber! I miss you love!!!

Niyeezy the first person to ever co-write with me and did a fantastic jobs.

Fat_Vanity_ for being the first I read with faith in a book and inspiring me to write about it in mine.

therealrosebud_ for lending me her beauty in this series!

Omg there are so many people to thank but these are the people I knew and met before I had over a million reads.

I want to thank every single person that took the time to vote or comment. I am so grateful for your support.

This was the first series I ever wrote. And I wasn't perfect and I'm still not, and you stuck with August and Amb.

And you told your friends, and shared this on social media. And it was successful only because of you.

I feel so sad now. I'm actually crying because this is so hard for me. I don't think you know how much your support, your stories you shared with me in my dm- good and bad about how this series has helped you through, has touched my life.

And I was thinking about continuing it with Alsina's boys but I think I'mma just let this rest.

This experience cannot be duplicated. It's one of a kind. You are one of kind.

And I want to leave this series on a high note.

Again thank you to everyone who supported me. I can't name you all individually.

But comment below telling me who you are, where you're from, how you heard about the series and what you liked best about it!!!

I look forward to hearing from you!!!

Love you with an abundance of love!!


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