Right now he looked like an ordinary youth from a village, ordinary to the point that Yan Hui thought she imagined the light in his eyes.

It was unavoidable for Yan Hui to have an impression of the youth in her heart. However no matter what impression she had, she couldn't deny he was indeed pretty.

Moonlight shone in overhead through the cracks in the wood planks; it fell upon the young man's head. Yan Hui took the food he offered in his hand and ate it in one bite.

She felt apprehensive. She had studied alongside Chen Xing Mountain's countless male disciples since childhood. From that experience, she knew when the young man grew up, having mature features and a healthy body, he would be a first-rate male beauty.

Kidnapping the young herdsman would fetch a good price......

"Ahem." Yan Hui cleared her throat. "Boy, your grandmother bought me from a heartless human trafficker to be your wife. Did you know?"

Seeing that Yan Hui stopped eating, he put the remaining half of the mantou back into the bowl

"Your grandmother is old and seems pitiful. I can't get mad at her, but dealing with traffickers will bring down Heaven's vengeance. For the sake of your grandmother, release my bonds. Let me go and let's be done with this."

The youth dipped his head and continued to clean up.

"Don't go!" Yan Hui clenched her teeth and said, "I'll tell you the truth. I'm cultivating to become a celestial. I pursued an 100-year-old snake demon here and injured it. He couldn't have gone far. It's very likely he is hiding in this Tong Lou Mountain's nooks and crannies. Who knows when he'll turn into a villager and mix amongst you all, absorbing your qi (vital energy). If you don't let me go, no one else can defeat him. When things go bad, don't blame me for not warning you."

The young man briefly stopped cleaning up the bowls. His eyes flashed for a brief moment. Then, like nothing was heard, he started to walk away.

There was no reaction at all. That made her more annoyed than anything he could have said. After being tied up for a day, her fiery temper that she had been suppressing flared up: "Hey! Are you an idiot, or are you dumb!"

Like before, there was no reaction. Yan Hui angrily berated: "Hold it! This girl is still hungry!"

The young man halted and slightly thought it over. Contrary to expectations, he brought back the remaining half of the mantou, knelt down in front of her, and offered it to her just like before. Yan Hui looked at his face. Then she looked at his hand. She opened her mouth and bit down.

The youth's hand slightly jerked. It looked like he wanted to withdraw but in the end stayed still. He let Yan Hui bite his thumb and the mantou.

Yan Hui bit down hard. Her voice was muffled but forceful: " 'et meeh go! Or efs, I bife if off!" She leaned back her head while biting his hand to get a better look at his expression. However, unexpectedly.......

The youth's expression was as placid as ever. He looked down at her. Maybe it was the angle, but in his eyes there was a whiff of dislike.

That's right. Dislike.

Actually, right now Yan Hui also really disliked herself. In the past, no matter how dirty the fight was between her and Zi Yue, she never resorted to childishly biting someone's hand to resolve a problem. But now......

Yan Hui's expression hardened. From the depths of her heart, she abandoned her pride.

"Aw'll willy bife if off!"

Right now, the only thing Yan Hui was happy about was that this was probably the only place that wasn't involved with Chen Xing people.

Yan Hui regretfully sighed. She used to be so brilliant, yet here she was, biting someone's hand. She was biting down for so long her mouth was getting sore, but her victim hadn't uttered a sound.

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