Part 7

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While I make dinner, Avery does homework and the boys play with Sarah. I hear someone walk into the kitchen and turn to see Alejandra. 

"Hey, Alli. What's wrong?" I ask when I see her face. 

"I have to tell you something." she answers quietly. 

"Okay. What is it?" I say. 

"Not here. In private." she tells me. Now I'm getting worried. I turn put the meatloaf in the oven and walk into the office room with Alli.  

"What's up?" I ask. 

"Avery's bullied at school. Not only bullied, but Hadley bad mouths and hits her." she answers. 

"Why didn't she tell me?" I say. 

"She was afraid that if you knew, you'd talk to the principal who would talk to Hadley. Then she thoguht Hadley would bully her even worse." she replies. 

"Makes sense." I realize. 

"She didn't want me to tell you but I had to." Alli says. I can see tears in her eyes and hug her. 

"It's okay, Alli. I'll take care of it and you won't have to worry anymore." I tell her. She nods against my shoulder. I wipe away her tears before we go back out and I talk to Austin. I tell him the story and he thinks about it. 

"I think changing schools would be best. Even if we talk to the principal, Avery's right. Hadley'd still bully her." he says. 

"But then there's Alli. Does she change schools too?" I ask. He nods. 

"Probably. If she stood up for Avery like she said, she probably should." he replies. 

"Alright." I agree. Then I hear the oven go off. I go downstairs and take the meatloaf out of the oven and cool it off. 

"Is dinner ready?" Luke asks. 

"Almost. It just needs to cool off a little." I answer. Five minutes later, I call for dinner and everyone comes in. 

What Now? -- Sequel to What?!Where stories live. Discover now