"I'm sorry our plans got a little...messed up," Jungkook mumbles, "But you know what it's like, I don't want to hurt their feelings."

Yugyeom just barely stops himself from rolling his eyes, because what about his feelings.

"I'll make it up to you. I promise."

Jungkook outstretches his pinky finger, hoping that Yugyeom will intertwine his.

Yugyeom does not.

"Are you gonna ignore me all night?" Jungkook asks timidly, bottom lip tucked between his teeth.

Yugyeom would very much like to do that. Jungkook barely takes notice of him anymore. He's ditched their shitty werewolf, vampire romance movie nights at least three times 'to study', almost never answers his phone, literally never comes to eat lunch with him anymore and even Jaebum is questioning where he's at. It's like Jungkook has completely shelved their friendship like a forgotten history book left to collect layers of dust on a shelf.

And he's doing all of that to hang out with...Jimin and his freakshow of a family? Yugyeom is smart, he knows exactly what's going on and so help him if he just hands his best friend over to the wolves. No. In Jungkook's case he cares not for werewolves, so god help Yugyeom should he hand over Jungkook to a coven of vampires. He refuses to abandon his best friend like that.

"Gyeomie please talk to me..." Jungkook whines.

Yugyeom stops walking, and as he lets out a deep sigh he turns to look at Jungkook. Under the moon Jungkook looks sick - sicker than usual. The moon in her eternal grace sits ever so delicately in the freckled sky, content to just watch the earth below and all it's life.

But Yugyeom refuses to just watch, he refuses to just sit here and watch Jungkook get tangled in some absurd mess that he'll never escape.

He can't just watch him go through this again. Not after last time.

God he doesn't even know how long ago it was...it feels like years and just last week all at the same time. He remembers so clearly the day he couldn't just stand by and watch anymore, he's never stopped thinking about it since.

It was raining that day - a heavy downpour, an angry downpour. Jungkook had called him frantically asking if him and Michi could come and stay for a few days because his apartment was flooded, so naturally Yugyeom immediately said yes. If it was up to him he'd have Jungkook stay 24/7, all the hyungs adore him and there's a spare bedroom. But Jungkook would never agree, probably worried about being a burden.

He'd showed up an hour later, dressed in an old hoodie and sweatpants with Michi tucked away in his cat box. Yugyeom doesn't think he's ever seen him so...dishevelled. The poor thing looked like he was on the verge of tears - and nobody could blame him. After all, he'd run over here at 8 in the morning.

The hyungs had set Jungkook up in Yugyeom's room, and Michi was free to roam the house as he pleased.

He remembers brewing two cups of tea, black for Jungkook because that's how he says he likes it. No sugar, no milk, only sweetener if they have it.

As he walked into his room, Jungkook was sat on the floor dazedly watching the vanilla scented candle flickering away. Yugyeom set the two mugs of tea on the table, and against the glow of the orange flame Jungkook looked...sick. His cheeks are sunken and his eyes empty, skin pallid and hair thin. He doesn't even look like himself anymore.

"Kook-ah, are you alright?" Yugyeom asked softly, eyes sad and forlorn. However Jungkook made no attempt to answer him verbally, instead he merely gave a shaky nod of the head.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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