Chapter 1.

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I ran as fast as my little 11 year old feet could take me. Exhausted and drained. Alone, and defenseless.

It had been 3 days into my hiding. Starving, I snuck into a local bar looking for a bite to eat. My wavy silver hair was covered by my black cloak my mother had once gave me. Along with many scars I was taught to hide.

As soon as I saw an opening I jumped forward and stole the plate of food off a customer. But had been stopped by a big man.

"Is there anything I can do for you miss?" Vander asked.

" You could let me go." I angerly pulled away.

"Now now.. My names Vander,  What's your name?" Asked Vander, he stroked my hair.

"Mirium." I responded. Knowing that wasn't my real name.

"Alright Mirium, lets get you some food." Vander offered, rubbing my back, taking the plate of stolen food out of my hand. He sat me down at a table, and got people to bring in food, he watched me from across the table trying to study me.

"It's Riah." I looked up and said.

"What?" He questioned.

"My real name is Riah."

"I guessed Mirium was a fake name, It didn't seem to suite you." Vander spoke.

"It was my mothers." Riah responded. Vander turned his head to greet the 4 children walking into the bar. 

"Vander! You should have seen it! Vi is so cool, She was jumping from roof to roof and then she punch-" Powder began until Vi covered Powders mouth and awkwardly laughed. 

"I would like you all to meet somebody... This is Riah"

𝐈𝐧𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 // 𝘝𝘪 𝘹 𝘙𝘪𝘢𝘩Where stories live. Discover now