I am Anubis

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Mist surrounded the girls. The thicker it got the more the temperature dropped. Yuna started shivering. Ryujin frowned and kept the girl closer. On the other hand Sana and Tzuyu were by each others side waiting for Apopis to attack.

"Well well well. Look at you two. Such a tragic love story like the one from Romeo and Juliet" chuckled Apopis as he striked his staff down creaking a crack on the ground. Monsters started coming out and the mist disappeared.

"Just a distraction so your little friends don't meddle. That's if they survive bwahaha!"

Yeji's eyes widened as she saw monsters coming towards them. She quickly charged up and ran towards them releasing shards of water slicing them in half. Chaeyoungs swirled her hands together creating a small tornado collecting the monsters while she helps the others get to safety. Dahyun summoned lighting to create a barrier to prevent monsters from touching Yuna, Lia, Mina and Momo from any harm. All the girls looked at each other and nodded. Ryujin jumped high and blasted fire balls

"Let's light it up on fire!"

The monsters were diminishing and Apopis wasn't having it. He snapped his fingers creating a huge demonic monster. The monsters screeched sending the girls into different directions.

"D-Damn it" spoke Mina as she watched Chaeyoung struggle to get up.

Jeongyeon frowned as she couldn't see any resolutions to destroy apopis.

"Hun we're running out of time. We have to go help"

"Bunny we can't go without a plan"

Nayeon grinned as she transformed into Tzuyu. Jeongyeons eyes widened in horror.

"You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Just for a while to distract him. Look Chaeryeongs here!"

Chaeryeong ran towards them with a device that she attached to Jeongyeon.

"Press the device and a suit of armor will form granting you strength and protection to use to fight to protect Nayeon while she distracts Apopis. I'll help the others!"

Jeongyeon pressed the button and suited up as Nayeon ran towards apopis and threw him against the ground. Apopis rose up fast and dashed towards her. Jeongyeon quickly charged her arm and released a blast blowing him away.

Chaeryeong on the other hand took out her shield and threw it at the demon who was trying to break the electric barrier. The demons arm fell and turned into mini demons. The demon regenerated it's arm and quickly grabbed Chaeryeong. Jihyo couldnt find a flaw in the demon. She panicked as Daniel joined Tzuyu and Sana to devise a plan. The girls were getting tired. Ryujin was drained and fell on her knees. Yuna started crying watching her friends suffer especially Ryujin.

"No more" she spoke as her eyes turned into magenta. She opened the barrier and ran towards the mini demons. As she ran she formed a scythe and sliced the demons.

Ryujin was in awe. Yuna had powers!

The rest followed Yuna putting their own powers to use. Lia turned her eyes icy and created ice blades to trap the demon around. Mina created a toxic mist inside that barrier that blinded the monster. Momo strucked thunder creating a fire to destroy the rest. Yuna quickly jumped and used her scythe to slice the demons in half. The demon dissappeared and they quickly ran to help their lovers.


Tzuyu and Sana were running out of time as they watched Nayeon slow down. Her energy must've depleted. Apopis was close. Jihyo lasered him causing him to charge to her and was about to stab her until Daniel appeared and took the damage instead. He spit out blood as Jihyo watched in horror. Tzuyu couldn't watch anymore. Her apprentice was truly loyal till the end after all. She screamed as her eyes turned gold. She turned to Sana who's eyes turned silver. They both charged at Apopis sending him flying to the sky. Apopis just laughed as he landed towards them striking his staff towards them. Knocking Sana out. Tzuyu quickly went to her.

"Sana. Sana please wake up"

Tzuyu started crying and tears of gold started falling. Sana slowly opened her eyes watching the tears fall onto her head. Head??


"What crown!?"

Sana captured the few tears of gold and mixed them with her tears of silver summoning a beautiful crown. She gently placed it on Tzuyu who started glowing brighter

"Kill him"

Tzuyu nodded and went towards apopis summoning a sword that came with the crown. She stabbed him in the heart and he started laughing again

"You'll never kill me"

Tzuyu's eyes darkened as the sword started burning a blue flame "I'm Anubis. The god of afterlife. I decide who goes where. Apopis you have been very disgusting."

Apopis eyes widened in fear, "you can't do this to me!"

Tzuyu smirked as the flame got bigger towards Apopis heart. "But I can. Game over" she sliced his actual heart. A gemstone he had. Apopis screeched as he was burning alive

"Y-you are truly the god of afterlife. And I have failed".

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