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Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Tzuyu decided to work at starbucks for the day along with Lia Yuna and Yeji. Ryujin came through the doors with Jihyo carrying boxes of merchandise for the store. Yuna immediately saw a pink tumbler with jewels and called dibs on it. Lia just rolled her eyes and saw Yeji grabbing a pitch black matt tumbler.

"Babe no"

Yejis eyes turned blue making Lia giggle and give in into the taller girls need.

Chaeyoung and Dahyun kept wondering why Momo and Mina wanted to sleep in today.


Mina and Momo were at the house currently shaking in fear as Apopis was infront of them.

"Come with me, let's not do this the hard way"

"No way!. How the hell did you get in the house?!" Shrieked Mina

Apopis grabbed her by neck and pinned her to the wall. Pengu quickly jumped in and tackled him making Apopis aggravated. Apopis snapped his fingers making Boo and Pengu's eyes turn red.

"Follow me, or I'll end these two's life and your precious Chaeyoung and Dahyun"


Sana was walking for some fresh air and Daniel cornered her by the alley making her scream.

"Shut up, it's me Daniel "

Sana frowned as she punched him in the gut, "what do you want"

"Stay away from Tzuyu. She's the reason why you're sick and in pain. She's Apopis. The enemy of Anubis"

"How am i supposed to believe you?"

Daniel pulled up his sleeve revealing the Anubus apprentice mark

"I'm...speechless "

"Come with me Sana you'll be safe with Anubis"

"Take me to him"

Daniel vanished with Sana bringing her to Apopis lab. Sana's eyes widened seeing Momo and Mina in a tube asleep.

She turn to glare at him, "YOU LIED. YOU TRAITOR!"

Daniel sadly looked away and met with Apopis eyes, "I had no choice "

Apopis smirked as he met Sana's intense glare, "let the fight begin".

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