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Tzuyu was having a talk with Jeongyeon in the lab while Sana was sleeping

"Tzu you're going to have to protect Sana"

"I don't know... it's a mission to do that"

"Alright flip your coin then"

Tzuyu flipped the coin and it landed on tails


Tzuyu blinked and returned the coin back to her pocket. She walked into Sana's room and made her way into bed with the sleeping girl. Sana stirred with the movement and slowly opened her eyes meeting Tzuyus brown orbs looking back at her.


Sana accidently shoved Tzuyu off her bed earning a groan from the girl

"What was that for?!"

"You tell me!, i was sleeping by myself and suddenly woke up next to you. Wouldn't you be surprised?"

"Eh, I'm supposed to protect you. So I'm supposed to stay by your side"

"And what made you decide that huh?"

"The coin"

Sana nodded and walked to the door leaving Tzuyu alone

"She's weird"

Sana walked downstairs and was greeted by the girls deciding movie to watch. Lia waved her over as the girl had popcorn in her hands

"Unnie you're just in time. We're waiting for the pizza to get here"

The doorbell rang and Jihyo dashed to the door to receive it. When she opened the door she was met with Daniel who had 5 pizza boxes in his hands

"Did somebody order pizza?"

Jihyo chuckled as Daniel looked adorable in his pizza uniform. "Yeah how much would it be?"

"On the house if you invite me in"

Jihyo opened the door wider letting him in not knowing what he was up to. The girls all turned their attention to him as Jihyo quickly introduced him

"Hey, meet Daniel. We met at the supermarket a couple of days ago and he gave us the pizza for free"

Chaeyoung smirked as she looked at him, "treat our Jihyo nice future boyfriend"


Daniel happily nodded hiding the grin that was trying to form, "just you wait. I'll earn her heart and have you all finished in no time"

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