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Ryujin stood horrified at the scene. The girl had a large gash on her abdomen as she clutched her shirt due to the immense pain she was feeling.

"Tzu what are you planning to do?" Spoke Chaeyoung

Tzuyu shrugged her shoulders and flipped her coin.


Tzuyu then went to the girl and gently picked her up. Tzuyu and the girls eyes met. Her eyes were silver, something sparked interest in Tzuyu. Tzuyu placed the girl on her back and ran back to their house. Dahyun was jumping buildings with Chaeyoung and Ryujin following behind. They all jumped off as they arrived to the house. Tzuyu placed the girl on the couch and lifted the girls shirt. Tzuyu frowned while Ryujin just took out the medical kit to close the gash. The girl weakly lifted her head up to meet Chaeyoungs worried eyes

"It's going to be okay, it's just going to hurt a bit"

The girl nodded as she tightened her grip onto the couch as she felt the needle piercing through her skin. Ryujin carefully stitched the wound as she held the rest of the thread in her mouth. She used a bit a fire to eliminate the extra string showing on the girls wound. She finished and gave the girl 2 pills to relieve the pain. The girl thankfully accepted and slowly sat up. Dahyun amusedly pulled a chair near her and crossed her arms.

"So mind telling us what happened?"

The girl nodded her head as she spoke, "Before anything else. My name is Sana and I was attacked by some sort of demon."


"Yeah his eyes were pitch black as he said he wanted my soul"

Chaeyoung winced at the thought of a demon, "why would he want your soul?"

"Because I was supposedly born to be the bride of a mythical person called Anubis. Well they call them Anubis because of the power they possess"

"Anubis you say?"

"Yeah, and if I'm killed then Anubis will perish because we're connected somehow. That I'm their life source"

"When we found you, no one was there" spoke Tzuyu

"Well he was about to stab my heart but a lighting bolt came crashing into him, resulting in him perishing"

Dahyun awkwardly laughed, "oops?looks like I accidently let one loose"

Chaeyoung and Ryujin rolled their eyes clearly unamused. Tzuyu blinked as her eyes returned back to brown.

"Your eyes changed color!" Exclaimed Sana

"Well princess if you didn't notice, we basically ran here in less than 5 minutes. Plus your eyes are honey brown not silver anymore"

Sana frowned, "my eyes were silver?"

"Mhm, that demon must've triggered your power. I am quite curious to see what kind of power you possess"

" might not be able to feel but she must be in immense pain. Let her heal first, then you can test her" said Chaeyoung as she handed Sana a new set of clothes.

"Thank you"

Chaeyoung nodded and pointed at the blankets beside Sana." Use that, make yourself comfortable, we'll see you in the morning"

The girls all went up the stairs leaving Sana in the living room. Tzuyu stopped for a brief second looking at Sana one last time before heading to bed.

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