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Third Person POV
"Yeah," Adrien replies with a dead voice. "I want a divorce."

"What?" Marinette asks. Frozen in place.

Adrien repeats himself slowly, "I. Want. A. Di-vorce."

"Wh-Why?" Marinette stutters. 'I hope he will tell me. I am curious if it's because he found out about Damian or-'

Adrien cuts off her train of thought, "I just don't want to be your husband anymore." 'So that's how he's going to be? Welp, I'll just go with the Adrien-not-knowing plan.'

Taking a deep breath, Marinette let the feelings she buried three years surface. Tears welled up and she started hiccuping. "Wh- What d-did I do wrong? Isn't th- there anything I could do to change your mind?"

"No," Adrien replies, his voice still void of emotion.

Tears staining her cheeks and wetting her dress, she dashes into the house. She slams and locks their bedroom door. Unable to stop her sobs, she throws the first of her clothes that she can grab into a large duffle bag. She unlocked the bedroom and ran out of the house while Adrien just stayed in the same spot.

She ran into her car and started driving to Le Grand Paris. She dialed Damian the second she was out of the driveway as she wiped at her eyes, he picked up on the 3rd ring. "Hello, this is Da-"

"It's me, Habibi. You can cut the act," Marinette sniffles.

"Habibti," Damian exclaims, alarmed by her distress, "what's going on?

"How long until you can get to Paris? He finally decided that I wasn't worth the hassle," Marinette replies through a mixture of laughter and tears.

"I'll be there by tomorrow morning, love. We'll deal with that bastard together," Damian tries to soothe his Angel. "We have a plan and can get through this. I'm not leaving you. I choose you. Remember that, sweetheart."

Marinette nods, she mumbles, "Okay..." and hangs up.

Before long, she pulls up to Le Grand Paris, gives the valet her keys, and goes to the front desk. "Hi," Marinette says to get the person's attention while wiping the still flowing tears, "can I have one of the single suites?"

"Dupain-Cheng!?" a voice that demands attention shouts. Marinette whips her head around to see Chloe standing with one hand on her hip and the other holding her phone. "What are you doing here?"

 "What are you doing here?"

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"I- uh' umm..." Marinette stutters and tears continue to spill over.

"Great, what did Adrikins do now?" Chloe sighs with an eye roll. "You!" she shouts while pointing at the person behind the desk. "Get Dupain-Cheng situated and add that spa package to it. She looks ridiculous, utterly ridiculous with those puffy eyes and all." Everybody in the lobby is still and looking at Marinette and Chloe. Chloe claps her hands loudly, "Did I give you permission to take a break? Keep on moving! Get out of my face, you need a makeover, that outfit is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, and I still haven't said that you can take a break!" Chloe bosses everyone around while Marinette gets her room situated.

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