The unbreaking bell

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Once upon a time there was an unbreaking bell. It hung at the highest point of the city in the churches bell tower. They rang it every Sunday and Wednesday evening. Eventually all the town people noticed a tiny crack in the bell. A bird came up to the bell and said,

"Bell, i see a crack in you. Could you be breaking?" The bell replied,

"I am the unbreaking bell! No crack can break me! Go ahead, ring me!" The church people rang the bell and he rang just fine.

"You see? No crack can stop the mighty unbreaking bell!" And with that the bird flew away. Within the next week another crack had formed in the bell. Two birds flew up to the bell and said,

"Bell, we see two cracks in you. Could you be breaking?" The bell replied,

"I am the unbreaking bell! No crack can break me! Go ahead, ring me!" The church people rang the bell and he rang just fine.

"You see? No crack can stop the mighty unbreaking bell!" And with that the birds flew away. Again, within the next week another crack had formed in the bell. Two birds and a squirrel came up to the bell and said,

"Bell, we see three cracks in you. Could you be breaking?" The bell replied,

"I am the unbreaking bell! No crack can break me! Go ahead, ring me!" The church people rang the bell and he rang just fine.

"You see? No crack can stop the mighty unbreaking bell!" And with that the birds and the squirrel went away. Within the next week the bell had a lot cracks in it. All the towns people had come to the bell and said,

"Bell, we see many cracks in you. Could you be breaking?" The bell replied,

"I am the unbreaking bell! No crack can break me! Go ahead, ring me!" The church ran the bell and the bell shattered into pieces. The towns people gathered all of the pieces and put the bell back together. The bird flew up to the bell again and said,

"Great unbreaking bell, how did you break?" The bell replied

"Well bird, I seem to have taken on more than I could handle." The bird questioned,

"Are you ok bell?" The bell sighed and replied,

"I can't be rung for a while bird, i need to heal, but i'll be ok. You see? No crack can stop the mighty unbreaking bell!" And with that the bird flew away. 

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