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    The waves splashing against our feet, no light except for the moon reflecting on the water. The cool ocean breeze swirling our hair in all different directions. A drink in my hand, a drink in yours. Your melodious laugh, oh how I miss your laugh…..

Brrring! Brrrrring!

I slap my alarm clock off of my nightstand and groan. I roll over, roll back, look at the clock, and groan again. I pat the empty spot next to me, all of my morning thoughts flooding in.

You were underneath my arm the entire night. During the bonfire, during the afterparty, even after all of our friends left, you never left my side. Why…why did you have to leave my side?


I remove my arm from underneath the second useless pillow on my bed and swing my legs over the side. I slide on my slippers and sluggishly drag my feet across the wood. I swing open the bathroom door.

You had opened the door and hastily pulled me in. You had noticed tiny crabs crawling in and out of the holes of the broken down shack of a bathroom. I started to freak out, you know how much I hate things that crawl. But you, you saw the beauty of things. You held my hand, still admiring our small surroundings. Focusing on you helped me breathe a bit.


The water from the faucet didn’t help any, I was still as asleep as i was before, now wet. Looking down at my hands, my cursed hands. Cracked, broken, empty.

I didn’t want to swim. It was too dangerous. It was so dark out I could barely see 20 feet from me. You, you were fun. Brave. Courageous. A risk taker, a dare-devil. How could you lead me so far astray?

Pitter-patter Pitter-patter

I don’t remember getting in the shower, how long have I been in here? I look around to find everything fogged, my mirror, my shower door. The waters now cold, I don’t remember if it was ever warm in the first place.

You had cried out in pain. I rushed to you, I held you. You told me you were fine, it was just a small sting. I tried taking you back to the shore but you objected adamantly. Minutes passed by and you were paralyzed, I couldn’t reach you. The waves took you away from me, they took my life away from me.


My suit is hard to put on, you always helped me with that. But you aren’t here now. It isn't safe for me to drive, ill take the bus.

He began trembling as soon as he walked in the doors. He took a seat in the front of an empty room, in front of an empty casket. Theres a hand on his shoulder, someone sitting next to him.


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