8 - Katherine Inquisition

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Katherine opened her eyes. She was dead, wasn't she.

Everything around her was blue - a blue bed with light blue pillows, a mock-chair composed of warped stairs and signs, a blue flower pot with a cornflower sitting in blue dirt. She looked down at her clothes, they had been smushed in blue dye, similar to the hue of the empty map paintings covering the wall.

She was confused, her last memory was almost being killed by FWhip... almost? She didn't know where she was, but the airless aura filling her chest indicated she was in the end. 

She spied the room, talking slow steps forward. Her hand was about to touch the walls, when it sunk through - as if the block wasn't even there.

An arrow appeared, hitting her bed narrowly from the pillow. She turned, retrieving her hand from the wall. 

"Hello?" She called into the blue, venturing towards the arrow.

On the arrow was a small piece of paper coiled into a cylinder, she slowly unraveled it, then stopped, hearing the gentle creak of a dispenser opening and the rattle of arrows being dropped.

Swallowing her fear, she read the scribbled letters.

"To whom does your allegiance lie..." Katherine read, then, after much thought, she called out - "Everyone but Joey and Shelby I think..." 

An arrow shot from the wall, striking Katherine in the arm. The Overgrown Mayor fell to her knees, a minor tone played, indicating she was wrong. But was she? She was friendly to everyone, maybe she wasn't allied to some of them...

She coughed, the arrow in her arm dissipating. She wrenched her arm as the pain faded.

"Okay," She got to her feet. "I guess I'm not officially allied with all of them..." 

Another arrow skittered past her, sliding into the chair with a harsh creak.

Wasting no time, she read the second piece of paper.

"Look at the wall above the bed." Katherine hesitated, she wanted to leave, and she thought obeying was the best way to do so...

She positioned herself by the bed, waiting in silence for something to happen...

That's when she woke up, lying in the mud with a broken rib cage. And as her hearing came back to her, she heard Pix ushering over her, shattering a potion of healing onto her chest.

"Katherine?" He stammered wearily. "We all thought you were dead?" Katherine stared him in the eyes, her vision wavering as tears brewed. With her mouth paralyzed open, she choked sobs as her body regained control of itself. 

"Pix..." She choked, making no attempt to get up. "Pix I want you to kill FWhip..." Though she felt nothing but fear and anger, tears still rolled continuous streams down her rubbed-raw cheeks. Pix flinched.

"What?" He blinked, backing slightly away from his recovering friend. "I'm not going to murder anyone, especially not FWhip, of all people!"

"Why not FWhip?" Katherine demanded, struggling to sit up. "If you just tried to kill me, I'd hardly sit around and do nothing about it!" 

"I can't kill him because - he tried to kill you?" Pix yelled. Pix realized his voice had gotten too loud, so he reseeded his posture into an ashamed ball. "Okay..." He took a deep breath. "Even If I wanted to, I couldn't kill FWhip. Him and Joel seem comfortable together and after everything Joel's been through what with... nevermind actually." He pursed his lips.

Katherine, though dubious at Pix stopping himself, moved on. She had more pressing matters.

"Fine," She forced a smile. "Unrelated, where is he?" Pix frowned, standing up from the indent he made in the mud.

"Katherine?" He raised an eyebrow. "You aren't gonna-"

"No!" She laughed. "Of course not!" Pix started to walk away.

"Okay, so you won't mind if I don't tell you."

"Oh that's fine!" Katherine was left lying in the mud, she didn't want to kill FWhip... 

This server had so much going on...

So how much can Katherine get away with.

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