I thought Enoch would ignore it, but instead, he got angry at how the Duke of Floné could give Young Lady such a harsh education.

No, why is he getting mad again? I couldn’t understand him, so I tilted my head and answered, “Thanks to him, it’s helping me a lot right now, right? I think I’m lucky.”

Enoch did not have anything to say at my words.

Fortunately, we got to the cave safely before the sunset.

Enoch searched if there were any beasts in the cave. After the cave was judged to be safe, we moved the heavy stones and piled them up at the entrance. And it was camouflaged in a natural way by covering it with large leaves.

As soon as we entered the damp and cool cave, it suddenly started to rain through the clear sky.

Heavy rain accompanied by thunder and lightning forced Enoch and me to go a little deeper into the cave.

Fortunately, the cave was slightly higher than the ground. Because of this, the cave was not filled with water.

“Oh, no. I should collect rainwater.”

I handed the coconut I had brought to Enoch.

Enoch took the coconut from me with a puzzled face and broke it into pieces with his bare hands. Now he does the job automatically without asking why.

‘Have you built up a little trust in me?’

I smiled proudly and drank coconut water with Enoch.

Then I scraped the inside of the empty coconut tub with the sharp wooden knife I used to cut the fish. It was duller than a real knife and not perfectly polished, but a plausible bowl was made.

In that way, four coconut bowls were made and placed at the entrance of the cave, slightly raised from the ground.

The bowls are raised as far as possible to prevent the muddy water from splashing or being swept away by the wind.

Enoch looked at me with a face curious about what the hell I was doing. Now, instead of asking aloud, he speaks with his eyes.

“If we collect rainwater, we don’t have to distill it like river water. It takes less effort.”

If it’s raining from the sky, you can drink it. Because it was like distilled water.

“I see,” Enoch replied a little bland.

I sat leaning against the wall of the cave with a tired face.

The rough walls and floors of the cave were uncomfortable and it was difficult to sit for long periods of time. It was also spacious, chilly, and full of moisture.

Although there were no special features, it was not a very pleasant space.

It will be difficult to find dry flints because of the rain, so you won’t be able to make a fire. It was a little cold, but there was no other room.

“I’m tired of saying these words now, but I have to admit it. Young Lady has changed.”

Enoch’s low voice echoed in the cave.

I opened my eyes to the voice I heard and looked in the direction where he was.

The only light was the moonlight leaking from outside the cave. In the darkness, Enoch’s face glimmered in a little moonlight.

The straight face was calm without any sign of agitation.

It was the same when killing a monster with one hand, but such an attitude gave me a great sense of relief.

Enoch still seems to hate me, but it is true that he was reliable.

“See, I’ve changed.”

I answered with a little smirk, but Enoch only glanced at me and didn’t answer, so I was very embarrassed by myself.

Anyway, if he builds trust toward me like this slowly, won’t my future be changed?

Anyway, if he builds trust toward me like this slowly, won’t my future be changed?

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