A Witch is Fine

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The best way to stop him from using the spell is to get rid of it.

That's the only reason I'm folded over the spell book in my kitchen, examining each page on how to make the darn thing.

If I just make the potion and then destroy it, then it won't get into the wrong hands.

My cauldron has been cleaned, and I work tediously translating the text on the pages to make sure I put the ingredients in correctly.

Jungkook is once again situated at my table, eagerly awaiting his potion to be finished. Too bad that after I make it, I'm destroying it.

He awkwardly sits, looking around at the mess in the kitchen. Herbs and vegetables hang from the ceiling, and the invading rose from outside has snaked its way through the open window. Multiple books are scattered everywhere, and there's more than enough dust to go around.

My head still hurts, and I'm convinced I have a concussion. But there's no time to make a healing spell right now.

"Okay." I lean back up, scratching the back of my head. "I think I have it. Maybe."

"Can you make it?" He asks, on the edge of his seat. I have to stop my eye from twitching in irritation.

How can he be so nonchalant about wanting to overthrow the Kingdom?

"I'm going to try." I turn from him, rolling my eyes so that he can't see. I fill the bottom of the fireplace with wood, lighting it with a match.

I wait until the pot starts steaming, a good sign that it's hot.

"Three rocks pulled from molten lava." I mumble, taking them from the bag and tossing them in. There's a small explosion, hot and red smoke filling the room.

It takes me by surprise, my hand going up to my face and making sure I still have my eyebrows.

This is a wild potion.

Jungkook has emerged from his seat, coming to stand at my side. There's a look of shock permanently etched on his features, and I continue.

"Five Frozen Tears." I swallow, pulling out the vial I got from Jin. To my surprise, they're still frozen. Ice Magic, I suppose. I toss those in next, a puff of white filling the room and a chill drifting through the air despite us being by a fire.

"One Midnight Mushroom." The small, purple glowing mushroom Jungkook picked getting thrown in next. Black fog drifts out of the cauldron, circling around our feet.

"Sap from the Loverot." I slowly pour the sticky syrup from the vial, the smoke turning green. I hear a noise behind us, and I jump to see the rose vine growing more.

Just how powerful is this potion supposed to be?

"A ball of sunlight." I smile, remembering kind Hoseok. A string of sunlight beams from the pot, lighting up the room when I pitch it into the cauldron.

"Elhorn Coral from the prince himself." Taehyung pops into my mind as I toss the red material in. The sound of ocean waves fills the room, a salty scent drifting through the air.

There's a smile on Jungkook's face, along with my own as I reminisce the memories.

I'm at the last ingredient, hands hesitating to drop it in.

After this, there's no going back. The potion will be made, Jungkook ready to throw away everything we've built together.

I feel his reassuring hand on my shoulder, his warmth making me realize I've been holding onto the sand vial for a while.

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