Chapter 20: Burning like the sun

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As we flew following Spyro, I thought back to my options: jump into the dimensional rift and return home, abandoning my friends and leaving everything to them, or stay here, help them, and abandon the only chance to return to my world. Based on what Ignitus showed me, I'd be in front of the portal, ready to return to my own world, right? Could fate change?

"Jhonny, are you feeling okay?" Edel asked me.

"I'm fine" I replied trying to hide my concern about leaving them, "I was just thinking about some things."

"You mean your chance to return to your world? Don't worry, do it."


"She's right" Ray and Thorr had approached, "You have your own home and you really miss it, don't you?"


"Don't worry about us" said Spyro, "we'll save Cynder and you can go back."

"Well, no more talk" said Sparx, "I really had a blast with you though. You were like a second Spyro. Well, until a girl takes away your fun part."

"Hey!" Edel said.

"Guys!" yelled Flame, "Look!"

We all turn to see better. There, a few meters away, between blue, purple and white lights was an opaque black hole, which gave the impression of a portal.

"There it is" said Spyro, "Sparx, please go back to the temple and tell the guardians where Cynder is."

"Hey! Why me?" Sparx demanded, "Okay I'll go, don't tell me why."

And he went quickly towards the temple.

"You did it so as not to put him out of harm's way, right?" I asked for.

"Yes, the battle can be very dangerous" Spyro replied, "Come on".

Then we fly and enter the portal. I blinked, and found myself in that strange dark blue outer space again, with chunks of rock floating in various places, which we had to dodge as we flew. In addition to the unrecognizable giant planets.

"Woahhhh" exclaimed Ray.

We couldn't blame him for being surprised, as what we saw was a large glowing and somewhat grotesque creature. If you looked at it closely, it looked like a jellyfish with a transparent white head, purple body, and terrifying tentacles. The worst of all was that it was not just one, there were several, but luckily they were not enough to prevent us from navigating. We would be like fish swimming in the danger of death.

There were also several floating islands, made up of the same type of floating stones, each with an altar and a beam of light in the middle. We had to open our eyes wide, we had to find Cynder.

"Does anyone see Cynder?" Spyro asked.

"No, I don't even see apes" Flame said.

"Where are they?" Thorr asked.

"Sounds like a trap to me," Edel said.

"Trap?!" Ember was scared.

"Let's keep our eyes open," said Ray.

We did so. Suddenly, a sound disturbed the silence, for others it was something new, but I felt it strangely familiar, as if it were ...

"A car?!" I exclaimed.

"A what?" Spyro wanted to know.

I looked at where the sound had come from, it seemed to have come from the floating island below us, which had a yellow beam of light like it came through. I quickly flew there, the others followed me.

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