Chapter 4: Meeting the Guardians

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"Sparx, bro! I heard a scream and recognized your voice. What are you doing around here?" Spyro said as he descended with Cynder. I couldn't believe it: they're really Spyro and Cynder.

"Wow, the hero of the day! Why didn't you wake me up to go on adventures together? I waited for you all day yesterday, I thought we were brothers" Sparx complained to his brother.

"Actually, I was the one who told him to go out without you Sparx" Cynder defended, "besides, I don't think you would have wanted to come and carry gems"

"And they need a whole day to get gems? They sure went on a date."

Both dragons looked at each other and blushed.



In my personal opinion, I understood their reasons: they had always been friends and apparently, they were a couple now. If they wanted to be alone, it is nothing to claim from any partner. I decided to finally speak:

"Hey, take it easy, Sparx. If they want some time alone, that's no reason to complain or embarrass them. After all, they deserve a break from time to time."

They looked at me and looked at me strangely.

"Maybe it's because I'm new around here" I thought.

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Spyro and she is Cynder" Spyro told me.

"Hello, nice to meet you" Cynder said, "What's your name?"

"My name is Jhonny, nice to meet you"

They both looked at me. It must have been 'weird name' for me.

"What a peculiar name you have ..." said Spyro. His eyes seemed to be surveying me from horns to tail.

"Hey, don't cross him off as an enemy, Spyro. Everybody needs a chance," Cynder said.

"You're right Cynder" Spyro said, and his expression quickly changed, "How did the two of you get here anyway?"

"Well, since you left me, I went to look for them" Sparx began, "Then I got lost a bit, I found him and we walked back together.

"And then you screamed, right?" Cynder asked.

"Well, yes, that Frog Weed took me by surprise. But my new friend fought very well and sent it back to the ground where it came from!... Even though he said he had never fought"

I wish Sparx hadn't said that, because again Spyro and Cynder looked at me with extreme curiosity.

"Really? So, you've never fought. Where did you come from?" Spyro asked.

"I'm ... from far away from here ..." I didn't tell a lie, just part of the truth. A few seconds passed without saying many words, until someone broke the silence.

"I think we should go back first and then talk" suggested Cynder.

"Well, we should be close by now, let's just walk, we've already flown enough. Hey Jhonny, do you want to come with us? Or do you have a home?" Spyro asked me.

"The truth is ... I'm a long way from home now" I replied.

"I see, then come with us, we sure will get you a place to sleep in the city."

"Really? Thank you very much, Spyro" I replied.

"Then let's get going" Cynder declared.

After a few minutes, we finally reached the city.

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