Chapter 8: Travelling with friends

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The next morning, the Guardians called Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, and me together to assign us a mission. I was still a bit tired from yesterday, but a good venison breakfast regained my strength. Then Terrador told us:

"Young dragons, due to the beginning of a new era, we have decided to continue our work as guardians. However, knowing that time is not eternal, we have decided to seek a new generation that will occupy our place one day. For that reason, Chief Prowlus and Hunter have sent messengers to other dragons and their descendants who have remained hidden in the war.

"Are you saying there are more like us?" Spyro asked, "I thought Ignitus told me that only Cynder and I survived."

"Not really Spyro" said Cyril, "When the year of the dragon happened, we knew that the dark master would look for the eggs, but mainly for the purple dragon, that is you. That is why previously, we divided the original quantity of eggs and we were in charge of protecting your egg and others, all in order to avoid the complete loss of a generation. "

"We are truly sorry that we did not save all of you" said Volteer "Malefor's forces took us by surprise and destroyed the rest of you in order to find the purple dragon among them. Also, they took Cynder's egg. "

"To later use me ..." Cynder said.

"Don't torment yourself, that's why Cynder" said Spyro, "The past is past."

Cynder smiled at him.

"Well, back to the main topic," Terrador continued, "That's why we need you to go find the dragons that live north of here, in a hidden village called before as Dragon's Village, but now is knowed as LunaVillage. There are like two days on the road and I fly there, because it's at the other side of the world... very far".

"Hey wait," said Sparx, "if it's hidden, how are we supposed to find it?"

"I think that's why he sent Spyro and Cynder" I deduced "They together have been able to overcome various difficulties, so finding that place should be easier for them. But I still don't understand: why should I go too? "

"You are very intelligent, Jhonny" said Terrador, "About your question, this trip will help you put what you have learned in training to the test. The last thing you must do is prove your skills in the real world"

I kept that in mind, that would help me familiarize myself with the skills I had obtained.

"One more thing Spyro and Cynder," he continued, "LunaVillage is the refuge of most of the females during the war: they had to survive when the war broke out. And therefore ... I think you will find your families"

There was a minute of silence, it seemed that Spyro and Cynder had a hard time understanding. For his part, Sparx had passed out from shock.

"You mean our parents could be there?" Spyro asked.

"Perhaps. That is another reason why you should go "said Terrador,"so that you finally meet your parents. "

For a few minutes, Spyro and Cynder couldn't believe what they had heard, but they were also delighted at the possibility of finding their genealogical parents. So, having everything assimilated, and with Sparx awake again, the four of us flew north, hoping to find that hidden village.

I was still happy that I was able to fly, although I let Cynder and Spyro go ahead of me. They sure had a lot to think about. However, after a while, due to strong winds, we had to continue the journey on foot.

"Hey Jhonny" Cynder said after a bit of walking, "Do you like coming with us?"

"Yes, the truth is, I like to have a trip with such good friends as you"

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