Chapter 12: Epic Showdown

Start from the beginning

Jenn and Brandon struggle to get free.

"The Lasso of Hestia compels you to say the truth, the more you resist the more it will hurt you", Wondergirl says.

"Well then you know I'm not lying when I say, I'm bout to shock the hell out of you", Jenn says her eyes glowing, "Sorry in advance Brandon".

"For what?", Brandon asks nervously.

Jenn turns her whole body in to pure energy and sends a lightning surge down the lasso to Wondergirl. Wonder girl gets knocked back in to the wall.

Brandon looks at Jenn and takes a deep breath.

"Sowwy", Jenn says.

Grace and Beastboy tussle on the floor. Suddenly Grace bites him in the neck and throws him into Blackfire knocking her down.

When Starfire sees Blackfire knocked down she turns to run towards her but Dionté throws a nuclear ball at her back knocking her down next to Blackfire.

Khalil notices this and grabs onto Nightwings whip and swings him into the group of people on the floor and ties them up.

When Wondergirl notices this she stands up and bang's her bracelets together, sending a strong gust of wind power throughout the room knocking down everyone but Anissa.

Anissa cracks her neck, and opens her hands screaming. Suddenly the Titans begin floating in the air. The Outsiders stare in amazement at Anissa new ability.

Suddenly, Perenna walks in a snaps her fingers. Anissa hands drop to her side and the Titans fall to the ground.

"Who are you freaks?", Wondergirl asks trying to stand.

"We should be asking you all the same thing", Anissa says.

"Well, I'm Nightwing the leader of the Titans, This is Beastboy and Wonder-Girl and we're here to free Blackfire and Starfire", Nightwing says.

"Well Blackfire and Starfire are dangers to earth and we can't let them escape", Anissa says.

"Well then you leave us no choice", Nightwing says.

The two teams stand up about to charge at each other again.

"Don't bother", Perenna yells, "I disabled all Meta Powers as well as Superpowers".

"Why would you do that?", Anissa yells, "I had almost took them down".

"More like took them up", Dionté jokes.

Brandon gestures to Dionté to cut it out.

"I did it because all of you are fighting and you don't even know why", Perenna says.

"I know why, they tried to harm us and they locked you down in the basement", Anissa says.

"Both teams are acting off instinct, when they don't even know anything about each other", Perenna says.

Anissa takes a deep breath.

"We mean you know harm", Nightwing says, "We fight for good".

"So do we", Jenn says.

"And your team is actually really powerful", Starfire says.

The Outsiders smile taking in the compliment.

"Well you guys could say it back to us", Beastboy says.

"Maybe, when we know we can trust you", Anissa says.

"Trust us?", Wondergirl asks, "What's it gonna take to trust us".

"For starters no more lies, and you tell us everything we need to know", Jenn says.

"Done!", Nightwing says.

"Like is there anymore members of your team we need to worry about", Khalil asks.

"Well...", Beastboy says.

Nightwing turns to Beastboy and shakes his head no.

"See, you're already starting off wrong, what is it?", Anissa asks.

"There is another member of the team but an accident happened and she can't be located, for all we know she's dead", Nightwing asks.

The room falls silent.

"But that doesn't stop anything, we're still down to help you if you need anything", Starfire says.

"I can't promise anything", Blackfire says.

"Well then you can go back down to basement and stay there", Starfire says.

Blackfire rolls her eyes.

"Now I heard something about an Armageddon Crisis", Starfire says.

The Outsiders exchange looks.

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