Take me to church

Start from the beginning

Lily sighs heavily as she takes a seat next to me on the couch. She only started speaking with me again very recently, as she was upset I had caused another rift between her and Cordelia. She pats my shoulder. "Lots of things can be fixed, Remus. Things can be fixed. But many times, relationships between people cannot be fixed, because they should not be fixed. You're aboard a plane taking a flight, and the other person has a fear of heights, or doesn't want to travel anywhere else, and they just can't be with you anymore. Because they shouldn't be. It's only logical—" Lily removes her hand from my shoulder. "—Do you get what i'm saying?"

The bond forged between us is not one that can be broken by absence, distance or time. And no matter how much more special or beautiful or brilliant or perfect than me she might be, she is as irreversibly altered as I am. As I will always belong to her, even if she isn't always mine."Once you care about a person, it's impossible to be logical about them, Lily."

"Remus!" Peter calls as he enters the common room. "Oh, there you are. Dumbledore is looking for you,"


"Thank you for joining me, Mr. Lupin. Please, have a seat," Dumbledore says kindly, pulling the chair out with a flick of his wrist.

"Uh, no problem Sir." I respond, sitting and wiping my sweaty palms onto my trousers. "Why...am I here exactly?"

Dumbledore reaches for his bowl of lemon drops, offering me one—which I decline politely—and pops one into his mouth before speaking. "Would you like the good news or the bad news?" He asks.

I sigh through my nose and look at my shoes.

Of course there's bad news.

There's always bad news.

"Bad, I suppose."

"Well," He begins, leaning back in his enormous velvet seat. "I've spoken to Ms.Evans about the incident...and it's usual protocol that the victim picks the punishment they see suitable for the offender in the wizarding world." My heart rate increases drastically. What will she do? Why did they leave such a decision up to her alone? It makes me angry, and relieved. Maybe this is the best way to break even. Maybe she would pick something so horrible and vile it would wipe the stain of guilt off my soul. "Of course, she refused."

I sigh again, disappointed.

Dumbledore continues, "Therefore, a trial will be held and you will await your sentencing." This makes me feel better, actually. I know a group of strangers in charge of my fate will be a lot less forgiving than Cordelia. "However, you should be made aware this means the case will not be you against Cordelia. Rather, wizards versus werewolves. The prosecution will be trying to prove werewolves are not stable enough to integrate into society normally. This is going to be a very long, hard fight for you and Ms. Evans alike. I hope you are prepared to be working closely alongside each other, lawyers and work against the Ministry."

"Thats..." I exhale, "a lot... does she know that last bit? About us working together? She may take issue with that and I won't do anything that makes her uncomfortable."

"Yes, Ms.Evans seemed rather calm, considering...everything. However, she does not know the second part. The good news."

I want to laugh in his face—no, punch him in his face. There is no news on this planet that could comfort me, that could comfort her.

"What is it?"

"Every one-hundred and seventy-five years, the full moon shines directly over the opening of the sea-side cave. Causing what's known as the Remedium flower to bloom. The light of the full moon triggers just enough of it's antidotal properties against lycanthrope venom for one individual. And when those properties are mixed with several other ingredients, it provides complete and utter eradication of the disease."

My tongue is stuck to the roof of my mouth and my saliva feels thick when I try to swallow. "So...what you're saying is..."

"There's a cure, Mr.Lupin."


song: take me to church by hozier

short chapter hope u don't mind :)

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