"Haha don't worry guys shes just kidding. Haha a very funny joke isn't that right Drista?"

She blinked, before remembering she was very much not alone.

"Haha yes your highness, I only do of the el oh els, hahahha."

Slowly the eyes of the crowd started leaving the two, and people started minding their own business.

Other than the occasional judgemental stares from a few.

Yeah, maybe this wasn't a good room to discuss murder in.

Tommy hopped off Drista's bed, and went to the lady who opened the door.

She was wearing a different uniform from everyone else, she probably had some sort of rank.


The lady looked up at him with a start.

"Your highness?"

"Can I take Drista to go see my nephew?"

The woman raised an eyebrow at him before, bowign her head.

"Of course, your highness."

Tommy scrunched his nose, before aggressively shaking hi head.

"My name's Tommy."

"Good to know, your highness."

Tommy blinked.

"I am not high."

The woman choked, and Tommy rushed to fix his statement.

"I want you to call me Tommy."

The lady nodded.

"Okay, Prince Tommy."

Tommy blinked again.

"No titles. Call me just Tommy."

The lady smiled warmly at him.

"Okay, Just Tommy. You may take Drista with you."

Tommy gasped in offense, and he could feel Drista's hand grabbing his wrist and dragging him out of the room in annoyance.

Before they were out the door, she turned and waved to the woman.

"Bye Mom!"

Tommy's eyes widened comedically.

"You have a mom?"

Drista shushed him, before shaking her head in disapproval.

"Not quite. But she's like a mom to me."

Tommy nodded, leading the way to Fundy's room.

Drista continued talking.

"You know, Dream would like her."

Tommy froze.

Sometimes he forgot Drista was technically Dream's sister.

"If you're Dream's sister, and that women's your... almost mom, then does that make her my almost almost mom? And you... my almost sister?"

Drista cringed.

"You? My almost brother? I would cry."

Tommy feigned offense.


Damn, everyone was being really offensive today.

"Take that back. I would be the most epic sibling ever. Even better than you."

Drista rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, that's probably why Dream replaced me with you."


Drista made eye contact with Tommy, who was watching her uncertainly.

"Relax, I was kidding."

Tommy let out a sigh.

God that was akwawrd.

"Anyways, here we are. This is Fundy's room. Aka my old room because they all hate me here."

Drista nodded, following him into the nursery.

This was Tommy's first time being in the room and Tommy's face fell.

It looked... unliveable?

All of Tommy's windows were still locked, but worse, they were all boarded shut.

The lights weren't even on.

And there was just stuff.


Clothes, dirt, it looked like a landmine?

Drista could sense the apprehension in his face.

"Maybe the lights aren't on because he's asleep."

Tommy looked around the room, eyes focusing on a crib.

Tommy walked over to the crib slowly, Drista following him closely behind.

Yet when Tommy peered inside the crib, his face fell.

There was Fundy, the baby and all.

Just sitting.

Eyes wide open.

With tape covering his mouth.

"Oh my god," Drista muttered, reaching for the baby carefully.

He looked up at her with a blank stare.

She carefully picked him up, and removed the tape carefully, as to not hurt him.

Tommy waited for the crying, or the screaming from the child.

But there was nothing.

He just sat in Drista's hands with a blank stare.

Tommy blinked, before snapping out of it and moving to turn on the lights.

"Who did this to you?" Drista prompted the baby in a soft voice.

He just continued to stare.

Tommy was utterly horrified.

When Tommy moved back to Drista, she turned to him in a panic.

"Did you know about this?"


"You brought me here. Why'd you bring me here?"

Tomm's breath grew rapid, and he shook his head no.

"I didn't, I swear I didn't."

Drista raised an eyebrow.

"I swear Drista, I wanted to talk about the plan to kill Phil, not-"

Tommy froze when he heard the door creak open.

And Drista, who was facing the door with Fundy in her hands, immediately paled.

And Tommy felt like fainting when he heard the voice.

"What plan about killing Phil?"

⊱⊱ ── {◆✧◦ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ◦✧◆} ── ⊰⊰

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