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So read it idk but i wanted to change it... hehe not really this is what i always planed.

So enjoy

" should i tell him the truth or should i let it be. Either way he need to know and only i know the reality and i need to tell him everything as soon as possible. Well at least this is only thing i can do right. This for my older brother and for father. I know naruto will understand if i tell him the truth." Kurama said to himself as he canceled all the link that was connected to him with blonde. He didnt want naruto to hear what he was thinking or even talking about. He had done it million times that he lost count in it.

Naruto was sleeping on the couch as karin carried out doing her work - watching the spear, he turned around to sleep comfortably, as he slept he found himself standing on a realm that he had created for kurama, knowing kurama had summoned him, he walked to the place where the said fox was sleeping. He saw, kurama was fully awake and was waiting for naruto, and there itself he saw obito standing, who was talking to kurama. When they sensed naruto was approaching both looked at his direction making naruto look at them curiously. " why did you summon me and obito here kura. Is there any reason?" He asked as he stood infront of kurama, beside obito.

" well this involves you two." Kurama said as he looked at naruto and obito who looked back at kurama in puzzled manner, " well obito let me start with you. Although know half of it. But what i am going to tell please listen to it calmly. You are related to madara uchiha." As kurama said this, it made obito's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the fox, who just nodded in agreement. Naruto was processing what kurama just revealed to him. He looked at obito who looked more in shock than anything. " you father is non other than kagami uchiha. He was also the student of tobirama senju.  For Kagami's well being madara asked his mother to keep the identy of him being son of madara as a secret. Since the uchiha respected their former head they kept their word, and kagami grew up in konoha. He married to uchiha girl and both of them had you and you brother shisui, but sadly you both parents passed away  right after shisui died. Fugaku took care of both of you but he wasn't authorised to adopt you two. In that way he might have to show what relationship you both had. Lucky for you Danzo understood that you and shisui are related to madara. You were met with accident so he targeted shisui. He appointed shisui in anbu and started to make him belive that he was on his side all together. When he reached the right time he took out shisui's eye. Your brother was cunning enough to dodge the attack and took under his control he escaped from there. He knew danzo will be after him so he sacrificed his other eye to itachi, knowing he gave it to right person and sacrificed himself. Inishially danzo's target was to take both shisui's eyes, mainly he waned the boys body so he can extract madara blood. If it matched them he can activate sharingan very longer than anyone can." Kurama said as he looked at both humans who were just listening and didnt know how to react. He could see and sense how sad the raven was, after knowing this whole truth.

" kurama sama how do you know all these?" Obito asked as he looked back at the fox, who laid down as he looked at the.

" well i get to know it from your father, then when ever i got time i sneak out, with help of gaki. This time i put naruto in sleep as he headed to the tower. When orochimaru said me i had a hunch something was missing. Also i asked orochimaru to help me with this too." He said as he tossed the scroll that contains everything to obito. " think about it obito, why else madara will risk himself and save you. Operate you and show you right direction. Although half of it was his plane but i can tell that,  you initially agreed to the proposal that was given to you by him. It was your own decision that you agreed to it, mainly because you wanted to avenge on rin and other stuff." Kurama said as he looked at raven who just didnt say anything but looked at the water filled floor, that reflected the sky. He was in thought about what kurama just said.

" if madara is obito's grandfather then how am i related to him.... Donet tell m kura i am Toni's uncle or something." Naruto told as he half screamed, making kurama chuckle at blonde's reaction, but it was a valid quest as he was feeling disgusted to himself for thinking he had a thing for raven when he is practically his uncle or can also be raven's uncle in some way other. Seeing he reacting plus the things naruto was making up. Since he hasn't cut the link off, kurama could clearly see and hear every single thing making him laugh at all the justifications naruto was pilling up in his small brain as much as the young uzumaki could. Obito just smiled at blonde's reaction. Even though he couldn't see nor read blonde's mind for the time being, he could clearly guess what blonde was thinking and he knew damn well that he was cooking up so it was normal for him to smile at blonde.

" well know, you aren't related to madara in any possible was." Kurama said making blonde sigh in relief, both kurama and obito just laughed at blonde's satisfied reaction. " well you are related to me... you are my oldest brother's grandson. You are indra otsutsuki's grandson." This made both raven and blonde look at kurama, in disbelief but naruto knew kurama never lied to him so he knew it can be truth.

" w-what t-thats not possible, indra was there 1000, years or centuries ago and how is he related to naruto. That's so unbelievable." Obito said as he looked at kurama, naruto just nodded in agreement.

" as same as your case, your mother had send you from future and she even asked fugaku to look after you, so you are in future. By now you will be same age as jiraya or orochimaru." Kurama said to obito as he looked at the raven who nodded in understanding. " hagoromo otsutsuki / you call him sage of six paths and well for me, he is my father so in a way indra and ashura otsutsuki are our oldest brothers. My father, had created a jutsu - that can send us to near future we just have to write what date we want and we will go. Or you can go to past it self. He made two each and one was with indra and other with ashura. This was made for emergency. When indra and ashura had fight black zesty had escaped, indra knew black zesty will come back for revenge so he knew minato wasnt safe being with them, and even if he asked ashura to help zesty will kill his son. So he used the scroll to travel back. And second great ninja war was happening, that time indra sneaked inside and put minato in a hospital bed along with a paper. He knew he will be safe here, in this era. That's why you are born after third great ninja war.  I Sam say the same thing for you obito. Madara might have known black zestu will come after you in that way he might have send you to future. I think it was madara who asked fugaku to look after you two. Which the boy did splendidly." Kurama said as he looked at naruto then to raven who just listened to what he had to say.

" does Orochimaru san know about this?" Naruto asked as he looked at kurama who simply nodded in agreement.

" he said he knew about your and Indra's relation though minato, your father knew about this along with that he knew also knew obito was your mate." Kurama said as he looked at naruto who was blushing, " along with that minato was brought to future to meet kushina since she was his mate, same can be said for obito to." Earning obito's attention towards him, " madara knew of you had a mate and you never met this person." He said

" in any way, i think the time is done here, you should go back to what you both were doing. Naruto be alert.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2022 ⏰

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