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Sunday comes around soon enough, "effy wake up outfit one"you hold up a little navy blue dress "or two" you hold up a lacy shirt with a black skirt "two definitely" effy answers and you walk out then walk back in "oh yeah we're late it started 10 mins ago" you say to effy and she gets up. You put on the lacy shirt and tuck it into the skirt making it look like a dress with some black heels and black eyeshadow and peachy pink lipstick you didn't do anything with your hair because you were late you put a green polo shirt in a bag (the one he wears on Pandoras episode) with a condom because you thought cook would like it then you and effy leave.  When you arrive you were half an hour late you walk in and everyone looks at you while cook gets up and walks over to you "peachy you came" he says tucking your hair behind your ear "hey cookie" you say and take effy hand to sit with her "I got you something" you say and pass him the bag "Awh thanks peachy" he says and kisses you on the forehead. "I need to piss" you say and walk to the toilet hoping you miss half the party. you and Chris had messaged but after you moved away not much but you decided to message him after hovering over his name for a few mins.

25 Dec 2007
Chris: merry Christmas xx
You: merry Christmas xx

15 sep 2008 (today)
You: hey Chris how have you been xx
Chris: oh hey Maxine I can't talk rn me and jal are arguing about who has the baby when since we broke up it's been tough.
You: ok no worries here if you wanna talk x

You turn your phone off and walk back out "where's cook" you ask as he wasn't at the table "outside sulking" Katie says as you walk out the door "hey u ok everyone saying you sulking" you say and smile "is my party shit" cook asks "it's unique" you reply and kiss him he starts kissing your neck but Freddie comes out and ruins the moment so you walk back inside and sit next to effy. "Jal and Chris broke up" you whisper in effys ear "you might have a shot girl" effy whispers back and you smile "come on people grab your bags we're going to a real party" cook shouts you pick up your bag and hold cooks hand you walk to this boat with cooks arm around you.

As cook walks in this man grabs him under his armpit and picks him up "not coming in" he says and you pull your skirt up a bit and your shirt down "hello hottie can I come in" you say as he moves out the way you walk in the party it was quiet you thought it would be more like a sex rave you wait by the door hoping that they finally come in. You get bored waiting so you grab a random drink out of someone's hand and walk over to the dance floor and start dancing as your dancing you feel someone tap on your back "effy panda hiiii" you say and pull them both into a hug "I love you both so much" you say and go back to dancing soon basically the whole group is dancing with you "who's in" cook asks holding some drugs up you and effy nod "me" Pandora says "what" you say "oh I've decided I love drugs now" you nod and you all walk into the bathroom.

Cook gives you a little and you take up straight up your nose.  You try to put your hair in a high pony but it keeps going bumpy "eff can you tie my hair up" but when you look over everyone had gone apart from cook you had probably zoned out again "I can peachy come here" cook says as he takes the hair band of you he does it with almost no bumps "thank you" you say and kiss him on the cheek and walk over to eff and panda. You all dance with each-other for a while until cook walks up to the front "what's he doing" effy asks "I think he's gunna sing" you say and burst into laughter he sings I write the songs and walks over to a lot of people until he gets up on a chair and Jonny white walks over to him Freddie try's to stop him but just gets pushed away you run over to cook and hold his hand when Jonny hits you both round the head with a glass bottle.

Jonny leaves you at the bottom and takes cook off somewhere when you wake up effys holding you in her arms "you scared me" you just laugh "where's cook" you asked looking worrying "Freddie's gunna get him" effy says and soon enough cook gets dropped into a cake your vision was still sorta blurry but you manage to walk over to cook who's sitting on the stage. "Peachy" he says and you both burst into laughter looking at what he caused. Cook sees everyone at the door running out so he picks you up and runs with you in his arms you get to an alley way type place and cooks puts you down next to him "your mental" Freddie says "I needed to get laid" cook says "you always need to get fucking layed" Freddie says as he starts walking off "where are you going" cook shouts "home" Freddie shouts back as you walk over to jj and give him a hug you needed a bit of comforting everyone leaves but you stay as you wanted to spend a bit longer with cook "can I take you somewhere" you ask him and he nods yiu grab his hand and run to a tree in the park, it was the biggest and oldest tree you sat down "why we here then" cook asks "my mum when I was younger used to take me to this tree everyday while my dad was out cheating on her I loved it we got ice cream sat by this tree and watched the sunset she would do my hair and face paint sometimes when I was 9 my dad told my mum that he was cheating and he way gay my mum got mad of cause but forgave him before anyone got to choose who had me my mum had an accident and my dad couldn't take it so he took me and moved to Paris a few weeks later we got a phone call she had passed away I didn't get it at the time when I finally did I shoved it all right down and never spoke of it again till today." You say to cook "anyway it's your birthday what do you wanna do" he takes your hand and runs to the boss pond (it's like a pond for boats it looks sorta like a pool) cook jumps in and you follow after taking your shoes off your both laughing and having a good time "I think this is one of the best birthdays I've had" cook says but before you can reply you see the security coming towards you, you get out grab your shoes and phone you both run back to his place.

"Omg this is where you live" you say looking at the wall that says Chris loves with a drawing of a fish "yeah what's wrong with it" he asks "nothing just I knew Chris" you say and sit on his bed still soaking wet. He walks over to you and starts kissing you "so what do you wanna do peachy" he asks "anything I don't care" you say and he starts kissing your neck one thing leads to another.
The next morning cook had already got up and gone to collage you were really hungover but still had to go to collage you didn't have your bag so you couldn't do your make up but your put your hair into two braids put your skirt and shirt on you take out the red shirt cook was in when you first met him and used it as a jumper before putting your shoes on and walking to your next class.

Kieron was teaching you so it didn't matter if you were late you walk in and Katie had taken your seat you you sit next to cook at the back hoping none draws attention to you as you look a mess "sorry for leaving you" cooks says "it's fine don't worry about it" you say back and get your phone out from the pocket of cooks jumper (I know it dont have pockets but I didn't know where else to put it) you go onto your messages and text your dads in a group chat they made.

The fam

11 dec 2007
Me: can someone pick me up
Left on seen

16 sept 2008
Me: hey birthdays tomorrow are you gunna come visit or call me or anything.
No reply you knew they were always mad at you for one reason or another but you didn't think it was so bad to ignore your own child.

"It's your birthday tomorrow why didn't you tell me" cook says "shut up I don't want anyone to know I don't do anything on my birthday apart from go to a crappy nightclub this year will be no different." You say and cook puts his arm around you, you feel like your about to vomit so you run out the room to the bathrooms after vomiting you sit there for a moment before having to walk back in because all your stuff was in there everyone stares at you while you walk in again and slough back next to cook. You would of skipped but anthea said she needed the house to herself so you felt with the pain.

At lunch you go into the canteen and lay on effys lap while she strokes you head " bill and frank (your dads) are still ignoring me not even a happy birthday for tomorrow" you say as it was just the 2 of you there but soon enough cook Freddie jj Katie Emily come walking over "where's Naomi" you ask and everyone just shrugs "max if you feel that bad why don't you just go home" jj asks "anthea wants the house to herself" you say while effy plays with the ends of your braids panda comes and sits down next to your feet " hey panda" you say and cook gets up "peachy go back to my place get some rest" cook says as he hands you the keys to his dorm you take them "you look like microwaved shit" Katie says rubbing it in but you didn't have the energy to argue you walked to cooks dorm and lay in his bed looking at old photos of you and your mum.

With everyone else.
"So for Maxine's birthday how are we gunna celebrate" effy says as she wanted to plan you something nice "she said she wants to go to some shitty nightclub" cook says "she's not doing that again it's lame" effy reply's "a costume party" panda speaks up "great idea" Emily reply's "ok imma get max to dress as a playboy bunny" effy says so everyone can base there costumes of that "panda if you go as a red bunny so will I I will send you a costume tonight change it how you wish" effy says after everyone leaves.

Soft spot ♡︎ // James cookWhere stories live. Discover now