Visiting part 2

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As you walk out the house you walk to a bus stop "so a sex party or a rave" you ask effy "sex party" she smirks and you smirk back when the bus arrives you get on and see a creepy old man looking you and effy up and down so you turn her head to you and kiss her on the lips look back and wink at the old man. "I love you so much babe" you say as the old man was still staring he finally looks away "this is our stop" you blow a kiss to the old man and get off the bus "did I tell you" you ask eff "no spill" she says as you walk "me and that hot broke up but he told everyone I'm a mega whore and cheated on him 10 times in the 2 days we we're together I didn't even know we were together" you both just start gossiping till you get there "you will love this max" effy says to you and she knocks on this door a boy opens it who's in a security uniform "effy u came I mean cool I wasn't sure you would" you just push passed him and effy follows, you go in this lift looking thing till you get to the bottom "yeah really a sex party eff" you say and she gives you the look of just wait. You wait for 2 mins in dead silence until some boys come sliding out on trolleys you and effy are laughing your heads off as they all crash into each other after all the men on trolleys leave 2 quite cute boys come walking down the middle "this is Spencer and jack there mates of mine" the security guard says "I've heard a lot about you effy not all of it good and you tell me something about you" Spencer points to you "ok I'm Maxine and I'm Parises biggest whore" you sarcastically smile. Spencer held his hand out for effy and jack did the same for you so you both walked off your separate ways "so is it true that your the biggest whore" jacks asks "idk its personal preference" you smirk at him and he kisses you you pull some mdma out your bra and take it up your nose you pass the bag to jack and he swallows the rest. You and him and making out until you hear sirens "it's the fucking cops" you laugh and carry on kissing him you get taken down to the police station and they call tony about 10 mins later the security guard comes in and gets you and effy out.You climb into a van with everyone else and smoking a bong "well we better get home" effy says and you smile while the boys drop you back at the stonem house.

When you get in you and effy are laughing your heads off and tony and his friends are still in the living room "how was it" tony asks "fine" you reply and walk up to effys room you lay in her bed and fall asleep (it's 5am).

You wake up the next morning to Tony's friends looking at you "What the fuck" you say in shock "yes" "sorry" they all say "yeah you should be" you reply and wake effy up "what are we doing today then" you ask "hanging out with Tony's friends that's all there is to do" she says and Roles her eyes while you get ready. You put on a black crop top with the same trousers from yesterday and a brown jacket you put on some mascara then you and effy walk downstairs "right now I've not got morning looks hi" you say "again really sorry" Sid says "were hanging out with y'all all day" effy says and gets some butter to spread on the toast she took of Tony's plate "ok" Chris says smiling "we're staying in and playing a load of games we played at your age like spin the bottle 7min in heaven never have I ever" Anwar says as everyone makes there way into the living room "what first" effy asks "spin the bottle" jal reply's as she spins the bottle it lands on maxxine they have a little peck. "I will go next" you say and spin it lands on Sid you walk up to him and give him a proper kiss then go and sit back down "your a good kisser" Sid says and you smile at him. Effys next she spins and gets you you both kiss each-other for a good 5 seconds while everyone just watches "right ok I will go" Michelle says she spins and get tony they kiss. Anwar spins and gets Cassie she kisses him on the cheek Chris spins and gets you he pulls you in and gives you a proper kiss before you move and sit back down. "What now" you ask getting bored "7mins in heaven then the drinking games" Sid says "maxxine first" he spins and gets Anwar you and effy just talk for the whole 7mins effy spins and gets Chris they walk into the closet.
In the closet:
"Be honest do u have a crush on Max" effy asks Chris "yeah who wouldn't she's a great kisser good looking" Chris reply's "ok" effy tells Chris and walks out.
She walks back in and sits on your lap you spin and get Chris only because effy made it like that she moved it once it stopped but I will take what I can get.
In the closet:
"Here again" he says and you smile before he leans in and kisses you, you spend the whole 7 mins making out when the times up you walk out and effy wipes off the smudged lipstick off your face. "Right now Maxine with who it was meant to be which was tony" Cassie says and you both walk in.
In the closet:
"Hey" you say "hey what do u wanna do" tony asks "tell secrets we never told each-other as a kid I will start I had a massive crush on you" you say and he smiles "well I had a massive crush on you but also I was jealous of effy and how u both always used to kiss cuz you thought that's what people did" tony says "jealous why" you ask him "cuz I loved you you idiot" you both giggle before walking out.

"Ok never have I ever I guess I'm starting never have I ever had sex in the school bathrooms" you say and take a sip none else does and I think they all just acted like they didn't hear you "never have I ever kissed the same gender" Cassie asks and everyone takes a sip. "Me and effy are going to bed" you say and drag effy upstairs you walk into her room and close the door "omg we made out for the whole 7 mins and a bit longer I put my lipgloss in his pocket so he has to come and give it back" you lay back on effys bed "I really like him" "I have news" effy says "when we were in the closet I asked if he liked you and he said Yh she's pretty and a good kisser who wouldn't" you both scream and gossip before falling asleep.

Authors note:
I didn't mean for maxxine and Maxine to have the same name but you will go by max and maxxine will stay maxxine as it's really confusing.

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