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"Effy Maxine wake up your late" you hear Jim say from the bottom of the stairs "coming dad" effy says "for fucks sake we have ages" "I know" you say and pick out what you wear you pick out a jacket that came just bellow you ass and you put some fishnets under it with a high pony vans and natural make up.
"Girls 5mins or I leave without you"Jim says "ok" effy shouts down effy puts on a oversized shirt she puts shorts under hers but you don't. You walk down the stairs and get into the car you sit in the back while effy is in the front it's a really awkward car ride it's silence with the radio quietly in the space of like 5 seconds Jim hits into a bike and drives his car into a pole "Jesus Jim" you say as he gets out and starts swearing at practically everyone. You get out the car and lean on the car door while lighting a spliff you see a table in front with 3 boys on it one tanned boy effy was looking at and a boy with curly hair and a boy in a red shirt who you felt like you had seen before you just assumed he looked like one of your hookups from Paris "eff do you recognise him" you point to where the boy in the red shirt was "there's none there" she says "him with the ketchup on his face" you say "nope not one bit anyway come on you were walking" effy says and gets out you walk up to the boy in the red shirt and wipe your thumb along his face and lick the ketchup of it "sweet" you say and walk off "your a whore" effy shouts and you just laugh. When you get to the college you walk to where pandas sitting "OMG MAX" she shouts and hugs you "panda pops how have you been" you ask "great thanks" she says and gets of of you "bonkers what surf and turf" panda asks "sex" you reply "wow we're gunna have a whizzer time at this collage I'm definitely gunna have surf and turf asap mum says that boys only want one thing so my plan is to give it to them" panda says "ok panda we don't need to hear about your sex life" you say to her making eye contact with a red head who has her Tits out. "Ohh" effy says "right we hate her" you say "who do we hate" panda ask "we will let you know" effy says "right let's get this party started" effy says "do you want a lollipop" panda asks "yes" you say and pick out a cherry one. You all walk into the hall and sit at the front you look around to see if there is any cute boys to fuck at this place you make eye contact with the boy with a red shirt so you slowly pull the lollipop out your mouth and it makes a faint pop sound then you turn back around. "What's with the music" you say to eff "shut up you wanker" she says and pushes you off the bench you both burst into laughter while everyone else just looks at you on the floor after that you zone out. You start listening again when someone farts you and effy just look at each-other while some other people are laughing "thank you now before I turn you over to your form tutors I would like to tell you a way in which we organise our" the head says then someone farts again "right very funny this is a further educational collage not primary school" she says someone farts again you and effy still not amused by the fart. "Stop it stop it I will cut your balls of you cheeky little turds" the head says "I do apologise I think I might be at fault too much rhubarb n my ready brek. Doug says you knew about him cuz Chris told you one time. You go back to choosing not to listen you look back over to the boy in the red shirt he was already looking at you you had finished you lollipop so you couldn't do that again so you just gave him a wink and turned around while you were looking at him some teacher got called up to the front "form BD1 please say your name when I put your hand up when I call you name please" this lady says.

"Emily fitch" a redhead puts her hand up.
"Katie fitch" "twins" you say to effy and she nods.
"Jonah Jeremia jones" the curly haired boy puts his hand up "jj present"
"James cook" the boy with the red shirt put his hand up "yo" "Oh crap" you say a bit to loud cuz everyone looks at you "I know where I know him from that night after I fucked Chris I was with him all night" you say to effy and she starts laughing.
"Elizabeth stonem" effy puts her hand up.
"Maxine stonem" you put your hand up and look at the dude with the red shirt and he pulls out a lighter.
"Fredric mclair" the tanned boy effy was looking at puts his hand up "yes"
A few more names were called out until a girl puts her hand up "excuse me the boy next to me is acting inappropriately he wants to show me his tattoo not in a nice way" "right you show us all your pathetic tattoo" the head says and after a bit of shouting he stands up and pulls his trousers and boxers down "that one's new on his ass" you say to effy "I don't care whore" she says and you smack her, you look cook in the eye and he looks back and smirks at you.

Finally it was over you walked to the vending machine while effy stood next to you when you bent down to pick up your water it put your ass on show "are you wearing underwear max" effy asks "only a little thong why did u think I came here" you say "right come on u slut let's get a locker" effy says to anyone else your humour could be offensive. "These ones" effy said you were putting stuff in your locker when that Freddie dude came over so you shut your locker, "hi" he said "hi" effy said back "you don't mind if I take this locker" he asks "you can take anything if you want it enough" she says back making him feel awkward "great I mean everything's new and I suppose we should probably like you know all get to know each-other." He says "why" you say "well umm I dunno you both definitely looked at me this morning, twice. And I just thought maybe we could get to know each-other" he says "we look at lots of people doesn't mean we want to get to know them." Effy says and you both walk a little bit "do you want us to want you to get to know you." Effy asks "I err I wouldn't mind" he says "thing is, they want to get to know us too" you say "there just wankers" he says "there your best friends" effy says "ok so these my best friends." He says "so that makes it complicated doesn't it?" You say "I erm I was hoping not" he says "I'm Freddie" "tell you what Freddie fill in a form" effy says "what's this" he asks "a list of all the things we're not aloud to do in this collage" effy says "like that head director girl said before your bestest mate got his cock out." You say "we were gunna see who could tick them all first but this is much more interesting first one to fill it out gets to pick which one they want to get to know me or her" effy says "and no cheating we need evidence cuz we wouldn't fuck a cheat" you say and you both walk off. You both walk down the corridor when panda comes round a corner and starts talking to you both but honestly you don't listen, you all walk up to Katie and this boy named Bruno comes up and starts talking to you all Pandora starts talking to him so he runs off almost "strewth do you think he'd do surf and turf with me." Panda asks "we will ask" you reply as panda walks off. "Cute" Katie says sarcastically "I'm Katie that's my sister" you walk behind to talk to her sister as she seemed nicer "hi I'm Maxine" you say to her "oh I'm Emily" she says "you so pretty" you tell her "oh thanks" Emily says back. "They seem fun" you say following effy inside you sit together on a table for 2 so Katie can't sit with you "I can't believe that's the dude you fucked like a year ago" effy says "yeah I hope he don't remember me" you say back while Kieron is talking to himself. As cook walks in he places something on your desk but before you can look effy takes it and sees it first "well he remembers you still has the lighter" effy says "shit give that here" you say taking it "it is as well" you look over to him and he is smiling. "Ok right we have got to stand up say our names and one unique fact about yourselves right I will start I'm Kieron and I hate being a fucking teacher" he points to you "you" "right ok I'm Maxine and I fucked someone in here well over a year ago then moved away and they still remember me" you sit down after that you and effy start gossiping and not listening until he points to effy "you with the bling" he says "I'm effy and I think my mum is having an affair" she says and sits down and you go back to gossiping effy starts listening but you still don't and day dream till she passes you the list "it's your go" she passes you a condom and you put your hand up "Kieron I feel rather shit I think maybe I need to go to the nurses office" you say and he lets you go you wink at cook and wait outside the classroom because you didn't know where it was.

"Hey follow me" he says taking your hand "I just need drugs and sex" he says and you pull a condom out your bra and hold spliff in your other hand "what do you want first lover boy" "drugs sex is always better when your high" you light it and blow some smoke in his face and he starts kissing you and you both slowly start undressing one thing leads to another. "Just how I remember" you say and walk out "oh yeah come to my party tomorrow" cook says as you walk out "I will ask effy" u say and walk to your next lesson "how was it" effy whispers "just how I remember not the best not the worst" you whisper back "guess what his excuse was" effy says "his balls were aching" you both burst out laughing and get told off "oh yeah we have a party on Sunday" you say to effy.

Soft spot ♡︎ // James cookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang