Christmas Workshop

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8:05 a.m. 20 December 2013, Avengers Tower

"Hey kid!"

I turn around to see Stark waltzing up to me, his infamous smirk on his lips as his sunglasses shading his kind brown eyes.

"Hey, T. Need something?" I chuckle.

"Wow." He gasps dramatically. "You know, I am offended that you would accuse-" He stops once he sees my unamused expression. "Alright, I was hoping you can do me an intty bitty favor."

I stare at the older man in amusement as he stands in front of me looking defeated.

"And what would this favor be?"

"Well, as you know, it is almost Christmas."

"Oh, trust me, Its hard to forget when you dragged us all out of bed last weekend to help you pick out that huge ass tree and decorate it along the common room." I snort, motioning to the eight-foot pine tree sitting on the opposite side of the room.

He wake us all up at six in the morning last weekend to help pick out the tree, decorations for the tree, and also decorate the WHOLE tower... after doing the common room.

"For your information Wells, we both know that you all would have been upset if I didn't have you guys help." He scoffs. "Anyways, look can you help me or not? All I'm asking is for you to wrap some gifts for me that are for Pepper... and maybe the rest of the team."

I pretend to think over his proposition before I nod my head. "I'll accept your offer... but only if you provide the necessary items and a room where I can peacefully work while happily listening to Christmas music."

I watch as Tony's smile morphs into a smirk at my proposition as a proud look washes over his features as well.

"I like your moxy, kid." He nods impressed as he shakes my out stretched hand.

"You're not bad yourself, old man." I tease.

Tony shakes his head with a small smile before he nudges his head in front of us as he starts leading us towards the elevator at the end of the hall. I give him a raise brow as I wonder where he is leading us as the elevator just passed the open floor where we have our parties. Yet, the ride up didn't last much longer as it stops on the floor above; the one where we have the break room, library, theatre... you get the idea.

As soon we step out of the elevator, he leads us straight down the hall to the right- away from the exciting rooms- and to the empty office rooms he has. He suddenly stops in front of one of the closed office door, turning swiftly towards me with his back towards the mahogany door.

"You see wells." Stark starts as he sees my expression. "I had a feeling you were going to say something like that, so that's why I got this assembled last week..."

The billionaire pushes the door open and stepping aside with the door to allow me a view inside. As he steps out of the way my eyes go wide at the amazing and impressive view of a
whole workshop, decorated down to every corner, dedicated just for wrapping Christmas gifts.

"Holy sh..."

"Seems like this should cover it all," Tony is quick to comment, pating my shoulder. "Thanks again kid, you're the best." He grins, sending me a wink before walking away.

I shake my head at his antic before turning back to the festive room before me, a big grin forming at the sight of all the bagged gifts sitting patiently by the large, 'C' shaped desk that is sat in the middle of the room, waiting to be wrapped.

I quickly get to work by looking through all the bags, sectioning them off in their appropiate spaces and people, as it appears that some gifts weren't just for Pepper, but for the others as well. How I figured that out? He had each bag labeled with the name of the person to whom it was for.

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