Crazy Talk

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The room fell into a deep silence as we all sat there either gazing upon another or just in deep thought about what just came out of my mouth.

"So let me get this straight... you are from another world (universe to be exact), where you dont have real life superheroes and were we all here are fiction characters in your universe, played by actors who are apart of one of the biggest movie franchises in the world?..." Stark commented after the silence has taken over the room.

"Yep... that's about right," I nod awkwardly as I pick at my nails.

"And you know about our futures, like some sort of seer?" Nat speaks up.

"Uh yeah, let's go with that word." I shrug.

The red head nods as she looks to be thinking it over as the billionaire continues to stare at me with his chin resting between his pointed finger and thumb.

"Alright. Let's get back to the whole 'from a whole different universe,' deal for a moment..." he leans forward in his seat, "do you know how to get back home and can you just jump into other universes as well?"

I pause, opening my mouth to speak but shut it right away as I really think of the question.

Shit, do I even know how to get home?

I feel a surge of panic go through me as I realize that I don't even know if or even how to get back to my world and the thought of leaving all my family and friends forever makes me start to tear up with anxiety. I start picking at my nails half way through my thoughts so I keep my eyes on my hands as I shamefully shake my head no at Stark's question. I hear him let out a hum before he leaps up from his seat, clapping his hands together like he's trying to get the attention of everyone in the room.

"Alright, no biggie... we can just arrange a room here for you and Bruce and I will see how to help this little sich," he motions to around us, "and get you zipped back nice and fast to your home world while in the mean time, you missy, get comfortable as it most likely will be a while." He pauses looking around the room till he looks back towards me,"Good? Great, Let's go Bruce!" He snaps his fingers and heads out the lab swiftly with Bruce who looks just as confused as the rest of us at what just happened.

I look over to Steve Rogers who stands up after the rest of us sit here in silence for a while longer.

He stands there a bit before opening his mouth to speak. " maybe Stark already has a room ready for you?-"

"Mr. Stark wanted me to inform you Mr. Rogers that he assembled a room on your level for Ms. Delgado." The A.I. cuts in.

"Great, well lets get to it." The blonde motions, nodding his head to the door as Natasha already sashayed out the room as J.A.R.V.I.S. made the announcement.

"Um... yeah, lemme just," I trail off as I shuffle to the edge of the bed, slowly putting one foot at a time down on the cold tile.

I hop off, landing straight on my feet for a moment, until I feel a funny feeling wash over me causing me to stumble. I feel Steve latch onto my forearm, holding me steady as I let the feeling wash away.

"Sorry, I think I got up too quickly and with what happened yesterday, my body just feels funny." I confess sheepishly to the super soldier.

"It's alright, no need to apologize." His smile sweet, "Will you be able to walk the rest of the way?" The concern evident in his eyes.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem other than this cold floor," I assure, my smile widening to assure him.

Next time I take a nap, I'm just gonna leave my socks and shoes on.

The Girl Beyond her Place In Time // AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now