Christmas Shopping with the Assassin Duo

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10:30 a.m. 13 December 2013, Avengers Tower

There was a sudden pounding on my bedroom door. I lazily get up from my desk, taking a nice stretch before I walk over and fling open the door to reveil a grinning archer and a (slightly) annoyed looking assassin standing in front of me.

"Uh... hi?"

"Good you're ready, just slap on some shoes and lets go." Clint claps his hands together as Nat sends me a wink before disappearing from sight.

I just turn and head for my closet, pulling out a pair of black Doc Martin's and slipping them over my fuzzy socks- as it has been getting very cold now from the oncoming winter- and lacing them up just as Nat comes back and shoves a black beanie on my head just as she shoves a forest green hoodie in my lap.

I look at the hat and hoodie to recognize it as Steve's, making my face heat up a bit at the thought and from the other two who are sporting a smirk on their lips.

I check the mirror for a moment and feeling glad that my outfit matched perfectly, especially with Nat picking out the beanie and hoodie as the beanie went with my black skinny jeans and the hoodie tied in with all the dark tones I am wearing today.

"Alright, let's go before lover boy comes home and sweeps you away from us for the rest of the day." Nat teases- getting a laugh out of Clint.

"Haha, very funny." I mock.

I roll my eyes playfully at their childish behavior but nonetheless pull the warm material over my dark gray long-sleeve and pulling the beanie back onto my head. I quickly grab my bag before heading out the door with the two and towards the metal box waiting open for us to go inside.

"So where exactly are you two taking me?" I voice as we step out to the garage.

"We, my dear маленькая звезда, are going shopping. Christmas shopping." Nat sends me a smirk as she quickly peers back at me from the driver's seat before turning back around and speeding out the driveway.

Oh boy, I might have regret opening my door today.


"What about this one?"

I look over to see Clint holding up an Iron-man theme cooking apron in my direction. I let out a chuckle beside Nat who just shakes her head in amusement.

"You know what... I think Stark would really like that." I chuckle as I hold my hand out to take it from the archer as he walks over.

"I'm gonna go pay while you figure out what to get the man." I pat Nat on the shoulder as she continues to look around the store.

I thank the cashier as they hand me back my card- that Tony had ended up getting me after helping me set up my own account at his bank- and the plastic bag with the apron inside before stepping aside as Nat walks up to pay for her item.

It was a big bobble head of Stark, that I'm sure he's going to love. I mean, I didn't even know that they had one.

"You find anything, Barton?" I join the man as he continues looking through the shelf in front of him.

"I actually think Banner would appreciate this periodic table t-shirt with his and Tony's face on it." Clint grins as he lifts up the clothing to show my confused self.

"Huh... who would have thought they had that here in Hot topic." I mutter.

"Right?" He chuckles before grabbing another-which I'm guessing is for Tony- before going to the checkout.

I look over to see Nat walking over with a questioning expression, motioning her head in the archers direction.

"He found a gift for the Science bros."

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