Motorcycles, Training, and Feelings

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8:00 a.m. 20 July 2013, Avengers Tower

I happily roll out of my bed, my arms raising above my head as I stretch them to release the tension from my back for being stiff for a whole eight hours, I was able to thankfully get this night. Not to mention during the days as well. It has been kind of quiet the past couple of months with no nightmares or visions for that matter and I couldn't have been more grateful. I feel the smile grow on my lips as I see the date on the alarm clock just underneath the time, I don't even care at this point that it's eight o'clock in the morning. My focus on the two and zero standing next to each other lets me know that my birthday is now only just five days away which makes me happy this morning.

I slip on my mineral blue crocs then head into the bathroom with a pair of workout clothes. I had training today with Nat and Steve (which is a bit nerve-wracking as I'm used to training with one at a time), so I knew that I had to jump right into getting ready as they both are stickers about being late and heading down to the training floor.

Which is exactly what I did, but I kept my crocs on as I held onto my sneakers with one hand and a green apple in the other, for something to snack on before I got started. I happily munch on the apple as the elevator goes down to my destination.

I just took another big bite from the almost finished green fruit, when the elevator doors slide open. I look up to make the most unbearably awkward, eye contact with three out of six of the Avengers. I finish taking the bite before tossing it in the trash can that stood right outside the elevator. I wipe my mouth before sending an awkward wave towards the trio, feeling myself blush from the scene that just took place. I avoid their gazes (especially the blonde super soldier's) as I trade my beloved crocs with my running shoes.

"Alright." I clap my hands together as I stand up from the bench, rocking on my heels awkwardly staring up at the three. "So... let's get started, yeah?" I shoot them a closed smile.

Hoping someone can knock me out of my misery from this awkward moment.

I ignore the archer's snickering as I walk over to join the three, signaling him to 'fuck off' as the other two look away to get the training set up.


10:20 a.m. 20 July 2013


My back hit the mated floor right as the words left the assassin's mouth. I let out a frustrated groan as I just ended up right where I was only a few minutes ago.

I started out with doing a couple laps with the super-soldier and Black Widow (the archer obviously don't his own thing), we move on to working on some of the weight machines, then Steve and I worked on the upper body work out. I felt a bit awkward as he helped me with certain parts as his touch left tingles running all over my body. Not to mention with the redhead smirking at us from her side of the room, until it was our session now.

I smack my hand on the black mat before getting up, turning around with annoyance at the redhead who was just smirking down at me. I rush at the woman with a punch but she easily deflects it and almost knocks me on my ass, again. This time I'm prepared for it as I grab her leg and twist it for her to lose balance, unfortunately, she catches herself in time to do a cartwheel away and lands steadily on her feet.

I feel the anger and frustration surging through my body, as it's at the breaking point of collapsing from exhaustion. This training session had been the longest and hardest one of all of them, yet I'm not surprised as they seemed to be pushing me even more today, with what had happened with the surprise attack that just happened ten days ago.

The construction of all that was thankfully cleaned and the common room repaired in two days so we didn't have to worry much about not having a common room or kitchen to lounge in.

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