Chapter 7: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (part 7)

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Kai: Alright! Keep your heads up! We'll be getting back into Uncharted where we left off previously.

Chrono: That was painful, being shot at the gut.

Genya: Sorry, but you shot the train.

Karin: And you were climbing the train.

Pan: But, we've seen what happen at the beginning.

Kai: Oh, we'll get to that, and up to the present day.

(then Kai snap his fingers and the movie starts)

-at the cliff-

(Chrono fell of the train as he grab the rails)

Chrono: Sure, be the hero, rescue Karin. Brilliant. Oh, what was I thinking?

(then Chrono starts climbing up the train as the rock fell and hit the train)

Chrono: Be a lot easier just to let go.

(then he continues on climbing)

Chrono: Oh come on, how about a break? Gotta be a big hero, don'tcha?

Osaka: We've already seen what happen.

Claudine: It's like we've been trap in a time loop.

Nidaime: So we've seen is what happen 3 months ago and now?

Kai: You could say that.

Zyuran: Man, if we came in eariler, we've know by now.

Vice: C'mon! Why didn't you take us in eariler?!

Kai: It's because I didn't know before!

(then Chrono climb up the pipe as it broke)

Chrono: Woah! (sigh) Stupid.

(then he swing and grab the roof as the pipe broke)

Chrono: They don't build 'em liek they used to.

(then he climb further up as he reach outside)

Chrono: Oh, shit! What else could go wrong?

(then he climb up the pipe and to the end of the car)

Chrono: Hope this one holds.

(then he saws the train is falling and then decided to hurry)

Chrono: Oh man, I'm so tired of climbing shit.

(then he climb onto the second car and it starts to fall)

Chrono: That's not a good sign.

Vroon: Chrono-san, please get out of the train! It's going to fall!

Eve: Samurai god, oh please Samurai god, help him please!

Gyomei: Namu Amida Butsu.

Magine: Nu-Nu-Nu-Magine, Nu-Nu-Nu-Magine, Nu-Nu-Nu-Magine.

Ricky: Please make it!

(then he quickly run to the end of the car as the train starts to fall)

Chrono: Oh, shit!

(then he jump and reach the cliff)

Kaoru: Well, at least he made it.

Junko: But, he's been injured.

Ignis: I wonder what happen after this?

(then Chrono got up and starts to walk to the train wreckage)

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