Chapter 6: Shobo Sentai Fireranger II

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Kai: So, we'll continue on with Fireranger.

Obi: I guess they can't stop seeing us.

Vulcan: Of course, cause we are...

Special Fire Force Company 8: The Fire Force Company 8!

Hibana: Looks like they're into it.

Kayoko: Yeah. But, this is just the beginning.

Kai: So, let's start!

(then Kai snap his fingers and the movie starts)

(episode starts with Obi gathering at the cathedral with the other captains)

Leonard: So, your team became Fireranger?

Obi: Yeah, and the Flame Majin appeared is not just a normal Infernal.

Hibana: A Flame Majin, so not the usual Infernal?

Obi: Yeah, and it's just the beginning.

Kayoko: We have sent the remains to our Defence Clinic, we have identified that is not the usual Infernal.

Momo: Of course, that Golem Flame is the first one.

Lalafin: But, would it grown to giant size just like the Hundred Demons?

Kai: Yeah, but not at that moment, maybe later.

Pan: So, there's someone who sent out the Flame Majin, but, who?

Gustav: That's remains a mystery, Captain Obi, are they done?

Obi: Vulcan is working on it.

Sarah: Is it a new machine?

Kai: You'll see.

Konro: No matter what, they're a new threat to us, be careful.

Obi: We will.

(then the projections went off as Obi and Hinawa left the room)

Hinawa: Captain Obi, what now?

Obi: It's all up to you, Hinawa, you'll lead the Firerangers into fighting the Flame Majin.

Super Sentai Series

Junna: Hey, does each series has an opening?

Kai: Yeah, but we'll skip the opening, this will save some time. But, the opening will appear in the actual story.

Lanzhu: But, I kinda like the opening.

Knight: But, this will be interesting.

Mission 2: Launch the Fire Machine

-at the Infernal Castle-

(a fly butler appears as he reach to his superiors)

Lily: What's this fly, he sucks.

Kai: Usually there just three generals in a villain group.

Kyoka: So, there's no leader in that moment?

Kai: Yeah, but in the future episode, the boss will appear.

???: Goldoba-sama.

Goldoba: Tch, Jokola, where have you been?

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