Chapter 9: Ultraman Trigger: New Generation Tiga III

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Mayumi: So, are we continuing on Saber?

Kai: No, we'll be heading back to Ultraman Trigger.

Gauma: I see, I wonder what my role is?

Yomogi: But, what is Gauma-san's role supposed to be?

Kai: Well, he's a Treasurer Hunter.

Gauma: A Treasure Hunter?! Me?!

Kaoruko: Man, not another thief!

Vice: Hey, if I wanna ask, what's a treasure hunter?

Kaoruko: If you want to know, they're just like thieves, taking their own desires.

Kai: Treasure Hunters and thieves are totally different!

Todoroki: So, are they the same?

Kai: You two, anyway, we'll see how it goes.

(then Kai snap his fingers and the movie starts)

(episode starts with Riku watering the plants)

Riku: Okay, sorry for the wait everyone, time to eat. Eat well. Smile, smile!

Masuki: Man, you're always into plants, Riku.

Riku: Well, I'm Trigger after all.

Miriam: But, it's weird that you're talking to the plants.

Vice: And it's even weird that you always says, smile smile! Isn't it weird?! Do you think so?

Mia: Just stop breaking the fourth wall.

Yu: Hey Riku, what's this plant?

Riku: Oh, that's R'lyeh, a new species I created on Mars.

Yu: That's amazing! What are its flowers like?

Riku: Actually, it doesn't seem to want to blossom. But someday a beautiful flower will bloom and everyone who sees it will smile.

Eve: Oh, I wanna see the flower bloom!

Kanao: Yeah, I hope it's beautiful.

Vice: Man, if a flower can bloom, I want to see a beautiful flower!

Riku: At least I hope so.

Nana: At least?

Riku: Like I said, the other me is a plant addict!

Yu: It will!

Riku: You think? Then, eat up, R'lyeh!

Yu: Eat up!

(then Genya felt some discomfort when Riku is near Yu)

Akitaru: Sometimes flowers are nice, too!

Marluru: This place, could use, that gentle, feminine touch!

Akitaru and Marluru: (laughs)

Maya: Care to clarify that?

(then they turn and see Maya)

Karen: Maya-chan, is scary.

Tendo: Am I that scary?

Vice: Man, she might lose it.

Tendo: What did you say, Vice-san.

Vice: I mean, you're beautiful.

Marluru: Some flowers are thornier than others.

(then Katsuto came in)

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