Multiverse Break: Q&A

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Kai: Okay, it's been a while since we seen lots of multiverse, I decided to do something special.

Mina: Really?! What is it?

Toru: Yeah! What!

Kai: It's, a Q&A segment! We'll answer the questions which the readers has given to us!

Lily: That's sounds surprising!

Kai: Even though that some ask for reacts, this is a Q&A, not some request!

Futagawa: Um, about the Q&A...

Kai: Oh right!

(then he took out a box and opens)

Kai: Even though it's not that much, not what I expected, but this will do for now.

(then they all look what's inside the box)

Shion: It's nothing but scrap papers.

Kai: That's what I thought, some of them didn't know before reading the rules.

Erika: So, should we answer the questions they give us?

Kai: Right, so the first is from Asano_Yuki002 , it's for Hina-chan, how do you feel when your sister, Sayo marry Enjo Shiryu?

Hina: Isn't it obvious, I'm happy for Onee-chan!

Sayo: Hina! It's not like I like Enjo-san. Anyway, I wouldn't marry Enjo-san!

(then Shiryu enters the theatre)

Shiryu: Did someone call me?

(then everyone saw him)

Kirishima: Isn't that...

Miyashita: The real...

Kitayama: Yeah.

Tamao: The real, Enjo Shiryu!

Shiryu: Sorry, I heard Sayo calling me.

Sayo: You've been mistaken.

Shiryu: So, I'll be taking my leave.

(then Shiryu closes the door)

Saki: That's unexpected.

Kai: Yeah, but, moving on, the next one is from Doctmar123 It's for Miyuki, would rather fell in love with an original character or your brother, Tatsuya? P.S No offence, incest family is wrong you know.

Miyuki: Me? An original character and my Onii-sama.

Tatsuya: Miyuki, you can be honest.

Miyuki: Onii-sama, right, if I have to choose, I would prefer my Onii-sama, as a brother!

Midnight: Aww, such touching sibling love!

Aizawa: Shut up.

Tanjiro: Tatsuya, I respect you, as a big brother, I also want to protect Nezuko.

Nezuko: Onii-chan.

Kazumi: Well, it's just like us, Ma-kun.

Kazuma: Please stop calling me that.

Kai: Okay, you can do this after the Q&A, and the last one is from @Fangdrake, it's for the MHA, would you react if you see Ohma Zi-O against One For All?

Izuku: Ohma Zi-O? Against One For All?

Kai: You want to test him?

Izuku: Are you sure? I mean, I can't use my quirk.

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