Chapter 7: Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (part 2)

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Obanai: So, are we continuing on where Chrono got arrested?

Kai: Yeah, and someone is going to bail him out.

Present Mic: Hope I can get back in the picture.

Kai: Well, of course, we'll know what after after Chrono got arrested.

Chrono: If it someone wants to get me out, it'll be best.

Kai: So, let's start!

(then Kai snap his fingers and the movie starts)

-three months later-

Chrono: "You overlooked one little detail, didn't you, partner?" "What?!" "Face it, genius, you've been played." "Oh really..."

(then as he create a shadow puppet show, someone came)

Chrono: Hey hey hey, jackass, you're ruining the show here.

Hizashi: Ah, what a shame.

Chrono: Mic!

Present Mic: Yeah! I'm back!

Kai: At least to get him out.

Aizawa: Shut up.

Hizashi: I really can't leave you alone for a minute.

Chrono: Oh man, am I glad to see you.

Hizashi: How are you doin', kid?

Chrono: Ahh, I'm doing just great.

Hizashi: I had to grease a few palms. Did go through the rest of your money. And a good chunk of my own. But hey...

(then they hug it out)

Hizashi: Jesus, you stink.

Chrono: Yeah, not half as bad as that cigar.

Hizashi: Yeah...

Chrono: Hey, how'd you find me?

Hizashi: Well, a friend of yours asked for my help...

(then Karin came in)

Knight: Her? Didn't she left with that Genya?!

Nana: I guess he wants him out.

Karin: I guess he must hate me.

Karin: Hello, Chrono.

Chrono: Oh no. No.

Hizashi: - Now, wait a second—

Chrono: — Mic, kick her out and shut the door. We're safer in here.

Hizashi: Just wait a goddamn minute. Hear her out.

Karin: Thank you, Hizashi.

Chrono: Hey, no offense, Mic, but you're not exactly the best judge of character. Especially when it comes to women.

Hizashi: Fair enough. All the same.

Karin: Dear God.

Chrono: Oh no, it's not that bad. Look, I have my own bucket. Last cell I was in, eight of us had to share.

Karin: Listen, Chrono.

Chrono: Y'know something — I really appreciate you dropping by, but if you and Shinazugawa hadn't screwed me over in the first place—

Karin: —Now wait a minute—

Chrono: I wouldn't've been rotting in this shithole for the last three months.

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