Chapter 3: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (part 3)

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Rommel: So, are we continuing on what happen when Chrono got knocked out?

Kai: Yes, and someone is after him, which he knows.

Chrono: Oh dear.

Tokoha: So, what about me?

Kai: Oh, you'll come to rescue Chrono.

All the girls: Eh?!

Saki: (laughs) You're be saved by a girl?! That's funny!

Sakura: Saki-chan!

Tokoha: I know, but, how do I do that?

Kai: Well, why don't you see for yourself.

(then Kai snap his fingers and the movie starts)

-in the cell-

(Chrono is lying in the cell)

(then a stone was thrown and Chrono woke up and saw Tokoha outside)

Inosuke: So, you got caught and get thrown in jail?!

Chrono: I was knocked out, so I don't remember.

Shenlin: At least that you're alive.

Tokoha: I know I'm not a big-time treasure hunter like you, but I doubt you're gonna find El Dorado in there. How'd you get yourself in this mess?

Chrono: Trying to rescue you, as a matter of fact.

Tokoha: Oh, that's so sweet.

Tokoha: Traditional sandstone brick and stucco... limestone mortar... huh.

Chrono: How'd you get to know so much about this?

Tokoha: My show, episode 4, "Architects of the New World." Yep, it'll just take a tug to pull these bars out.

Lily: A tug? Like a tug of war?

Sero: No, it's a different tug. She's referring a tug boat.

Eve: No, a tug is when a samurai use a rope, to bind the bandits.

Kai: No, no and no, the tug means she's going to pull the winch from the jeep to get Chrono out.

Lily, Sero and Eve: Oh!

All Might: Thanks for the explanations, Young Tossel.

Kai: No problem.

Chrono: What? No, wait... are you sure—

???: Get out of my way, bodoh! Cepatan, open this goddamn door!

(then he heard someone)

Sero: Wait, that's sound like my voice?

Izuku: So, Sero-kun is in this?

Chrono: Oh crap.

(then a man kick the door revealing to be Sero Hanta)

Sero: Hey, Shindou.

Class 1-A: He's in it?!

Aizawa: Oh for Christ sake, one of my students in this.

Sero: I'm in this?!

Kai: Yes, you were the former companion of Chrono before you discover El Dorado.

Sero: So I'm a sidekick?

Kai: Kinda.

Chrono: Sero Hanta, I shoulda guess.

Sero: Fascinating document, huh?

(then he reads the map)

Sero: Seems like this "Sir Francis" was in my line of work.

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