-Chapter 1-

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    Wilbur was playing Minecraft with Tommyinit and Dream. Dream says to Tommyinnit "Your dog water at this lil British boy." Tommy snaps back "Is that suppose to offend me you lazy  ugly looking pieces of rubbish, thats why you have ligma."
"Whats ligma?" Dream asks curiously.
"LIGMA BALLZ!" Tommy says with a smirk.
"Aye, thats what the point of the mask is" Dreams says. "Yur done yur done" Tommy says. Meanwhile Wilbur is just sitting there just living; just existing. But little do they know Wilbur DESTROYED dreams bed in bed wars.
Wilbur is cackling, but very bristishly. "What?" Tommy and dream say in unison. "I destroyed yur bed you piece of rubbish" Wilbur says. The stream goes silent. Dream says to Tommy "So who's gonna tell him." After some debate Tommy volunteers himself. "So about that "destroying" you didn't destroy us." Tommy says with a "yikes" face. Wilbur says "Then who did I destroy?" Suddenly an unknown person joins the stream. "How you destroy my bed" jungkook shakes viscously. Corpse then appears in jungkooks room and gives him the ability to speak perfect english. "You're welcome, and stream egirls are destroying my life of spotify."  Corpse says deeply and Americanly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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