Chapter XVIII

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Briella sped her way out of her apartment complex and out the gate, immediately turning right, heading towards Ryan's building.

It was 6 in the evening, the temperature took a noticeable drop.

Compared to the afternoon, only hours ago, the evening had more clouds present in the sky.

Briella swallowed whatever was in her mouth. Briefly looking up at the clouds, she noticed their slow sail.

She took in a deep breath. 'It's gonna snow...' she thought to herself. 'I can feel like... I can smell it.'.


Briella continued walking right before reaching the gate that would lead her towards the entrance of Ryan's apartment complex.

Opening the gate and letting herself in, she headed towards the building's main door.

Upon her entrance, she turned left and headed up the stairs. Reaching Ryan's floor, she turned left before making another left and walked towards Ryan's apartment.

Reaching his place of residence, Briella knocked on the door.

She waited for a few seconds. Nothing happened.

It didn't help her rising anxiety.

She knocked once more, but this time with a bit more force. "R-Ryan?" she called out.

She was about to knock for the third time, but a loud click caused her to freeze in her spot. The door got unlocked.

Slowly, it opened, revealing Ryan in a horrid condition.

He looked paler than usual with bags under his eyes. He was slouched ever so slightly. All of this made his overall appearance look very fatigued, exhausted.

Briella widened her eyes. "Ryan?". A frown developed on her lips, "You don't look the best...".

"That's because I am not..." he replied.

From there, they looked at each other for a mere second.

"Come on," Briella began, lowly. "Let's get you to bed. May I come in?".

"Of course," Ryan started. "Just beware, I am sick. I wouldn't recommend you to stay for too long...".

"I'd disregard your words. I'd still stay until you begin to feel better. I want to help you with anything and everything I can," she replied.

Suddenly, through all the exhaustion expressed across Ryan's face, a small smirk broke through the surface. Briella noticed this.

"What's with the smile?" Briella couldn't help but ask.

"Is this your way of repaying me for that time when I took care of you when you were sick?".

"I..." Briella began. "I just think its what good friends do. They take care of each other, no matter if they are sick or injured. Or, perhaps, both.". A very small frown formed on Briella's lips. "I-I didn't like the way you said 'repaying'. Makes me feel like I have to do this, instead of me wanting to aid you through your sickness, free of will. As I said, I want to help you.".

A moment of silence.

This time, Briella broke it. "Come on. You will feel worse if you stay standing up.".

They both headed deeper into Ryan's apartment, which was after the front door was closed.

Briella was by Ryan. It was obvious that Ryan could walk himself back to his bed, but just in case, Briella was by his side, supporting him.

He laid back into this bed before covering himself with a thin comforter, all while Briella sat on a chair, about a meter or so away from him.

"How are you feeling now?" Briella asked.

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