“You weren’t in school and neither was Chad. I wanted to make sure you were ok. I saw his car so I’m guessing you two just skipped school,” Jake said. 

“We didn’t skip Jake. I got sick. Chad just stayed with me like a good boyfriend would,” I said. 

“Please refrain from saying good boyfriend and Chad in the same sentence.” 

“Jake are you finished? Can you leave?” 

“Alyssa I came to bring you your assignments from today.”

Jake handed me my schoolwork that I had missed. Jake was annoying. Like I couldn’t pick up this work tomorrow at school. 

“Thanks bye Jake,” I said. 

“Alyssa you know we should be on better terms than we are. I’ve only been looking out for you,” Jake said. 

“I have a boyfriend named Chad. He looks out for me Jake. We can be nice to each other when we see each other around but I’m happy with my boyfriend,” I said.

I told Jake bye for a second time then closed my door and went back to my room.

When I got to my room I saw that Chad was awake and on the phone. His back was to me and he was siting on my bed. 

“I know you did something to those muffins! You’re trying to poison my girlfriend now!” Chad shouted.  

I stood by my bedroom door listening in to Chad’s conversation. 

“Yes you did! Cut this shit out now!” Chad shouted. 

“Who are you talking to,” I asked. 

Chad turned around looking guilty and hung up his phone. He got up and walked over to me as I sat my stuff down on my computer desk. 

“Baby why are you sneaking up on me again,” Chad said. 

Chad sat in my computer chair and I sat on my bed. Chad moved the chair so he was siting right in front of me.

“I wasn’t sneaking, I just walked into my room and heard you shouting. Were you talking to Amy?” I asked. 

“Yeah I was,” Chad said. 

“Why do you think she poisoned me? Also why did you tell her to cut shit out now? What shit is she doing?” 

“Its not important she’s just being weird.”

“And you’re being shady. Chad what’s going on?” 

Chad moved closer to me and put his hands on my thighs. I pushed his hands away and he looked at me a little hurt. 

“Nothing is going on Alyssa I just found some stuff out about Amy is all.” 

“What did you find out?” 

“I don’t want to talk about it.” 


“Baby can we just stop talking about her and go eat or something.” 

Chad took one of my hands in his and pulled me forward. I stood up and stood in front of him.  

“Why are you being so secretive Chad? You can tell me anything babe.” I touched Chad’s cheek and he kissed my palm. 

“I think Amy is behind you getting sick and the things that happened to my car and even the sex tapes getting out.” 

“Chad what!” 

Chad sat me on his lap and held me as he looked into my eyes. 

“You know the day Jake saw me in the hallway talking to a girl. He thought I was cheating or some shit,” Chad said. 

“Yeah,” I said. 

“Well that day I was confronting Amy. I told her she needed to stop flirting with me all the time. I’m just suspecting she’s doing these things to us.” 


“Amy has somewhat of a crush on me. She always has I thought it was cute back when I was dating her sister and what not but now its not so cute. She won’t admit right out that she’s the one behind everything but I think she could be.” 

“But you told me it was Jake. Why would Amy even have motive to do those things to either of us if she likes you.” 

“Jake took those pictures from what I can tell but all the other stuff… baby I just don’t know. She’s been threatening me and I think she’s obsessed or something.”

“Why? None of this makes sense.” 

“Alyssa I don’t know. All I know is that I’m going to protect you from ever getting hurt by anyone. I’m working at making sure nothing else bad happens to you.” 

“Well you have no proof that Amy did anything so what if you’re wrong. What if someone else is doing this stuff to me, to us?” 

“If I’m wrong I’m wrong. But I still have my guard up.” 

If Chad was right about Amy being behind everything then that meant Jake wasn’t a threat to us. I was starting to feel bad about the way I treated Jake now. If I looked beyond some of the bad things he did he did have a good heart at one point. Maybe befriending him again wouldn’t be so bad after all. I could still be Chad’s girlfriend while being friends with Jake, right. But in the back of my mind I was wondering why Chad all of a sudden believed Amy was behind everything bad going on. Something wasn’t adding up here. Something didn’t feel right. 

(Author's Note: I was thinking about putting Chad's point of view in the next chapter. What do you think? Also who do you think is trustworthy and non- trustworthy so far in the story?) 

Uncommon Circumstances (Interracial Young Adult Suspenseful Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora