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PETER, THIS is madness!”
The King's exclaim made Susan look up from her breakfast.
Her brother, Edmund, had stormed into the dining hall just moments earlier, his cheeks as red as a pair of ripe tomatoes. His breath was heavy and even as he walked with a straight back, his steps were heavy, as if he were stomping, but more gracefully.
There was no doubt that Edmund was fuming, but Susan wondered why because she did not believe that the reason behind his appearance was a loss from his side in a chess game against Peter.
Edmund never lost in chess and even if he did, he wouldn't -- well, perhaps he would be fuming like this.

“What's wrong, Ed?” Lucy asked, slight wrinkles forming on her forehead.
As a response she only got a grumble from his side as he sat down by the table and started to shovel bacon, eggs and toast onto his plate.
After filling it, he looked up and pointed at Peter who was sitting at the head of the table, fumbling with his fork. He didn't dare to look his siblings, especially his brother into the eyes.

“Your brother,” Edmund began, finally putting his hand down, but never taking his stare off of Peter, “has decided to marry!”

For a few seconds no one said anything, but the girls and Edmund were now all looking at their oldest sibling who was still too occupied with his food to spare them a glance.
“What?” Both Lucy and Susan exclaimed synchronized.

“It is true,” the accuser said, nodding his head in agreement, “he wants to marry and do you want to know who?”
Lucy hesitated before she answered.
“Yes?” It sounded more like a question, but no one seemed to really notice as they all were somewhat confused.
Honestly, Queen Susan did not want to know; she didn't want to know about her brother's love life at all, but now there was no turning back.

“Queen Alixe of Terebinthia.”
The King had said it so calmly, Susan thought it to be a joke at first. Her eyes were wide and her muscles relaxed. Lucy, even though she did not know much about politics, had her mouth slightly agape and her eyes open as well.
Only after Susan's fork falling under the table and broke the silence, did she realize that this was no cause for laughing. Fortunately, a servant was quick enough to pick it up and bring her a new, clean one.

“Are you serious?” The High Queen questioned with a raised eyebrow. Her eyes flickered between her older and her younger brother, not sure herself who her question had been directed towards.
“Yes,” Peter finally spoke up, “I am serious.”

Before he could continue though, Edmund interrupted him.
“Oh but you haven't heard the best part yet!”
Everyone looked back at him, urging him to explain himself.
“Well now that the question who is answered, I am going to tell you why he wants to marry her.”

The High King only rolled his eyes, sinking into his chair in hopes of perhaps disappearing. He already knew what was coming next, therefore he quickly thought of a counter argument or logical reply.

“He,” Edmund was pointing at Peter once again, “wants to marry her because she's pretty!”
Lucy wondered what was so wrong about that, didn't people marry because they found the other person attractive?
“And what's wrong with that?” She asked.

Her older brother send her a pained smile.
“Lu, he doesn't even know her. And what he's seen of her are a few paintings that could easily portrait her in the wrong light.”

𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄 𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒, s. pevensieDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora