Letter 7: Flight

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Dean Sean

Last month on December 15th, 2021 when we had that heated argument about not going to a therapist for hep if you want a future with me and our family you violently slamming your fist down on the table, then grabbing your phone charger and afterwards leaving the house without a word made me feel completely hopeless and back to the conclusion that i need to move on in life.

I did not hear from you for next 10 days.

You have tried every way you could to manipulate me into feeling sorry for you when you finally texted. I feel that you were ill-tempered because I did not come looking for you begging to return home or calling you for forgiveness and adjust in whatever you desire. It is not going to happen now.

I will only correspond with you via text message now, so that your lies, your manipulations, your denials and your sick mental games are well documented as evidence if you agree to go for therapy and counselling.

You claim that you left because he was de-escalating a fight. I did not hear from you for ten days. You vanished for ten days. No conversation, no phone calls. What did you want to convey through this that you can take a flight and exit whenever the things are not according to your wish and plans? I was worried about you so I called your receptionist every day without letting you know.

Then you were present at your workplace every day without an issue, but I didn't hear from you. Dropping communication and exiting, taking a flight from the situation which is caused by you never leads to anything positive as we need to act as a team not as opponents if you are really willing to be there with me and your family in future.

Finally I texted you not to contact me anymore until you acknowledge that all this is abusive and needs a proper remedial action with understanding. Since you walked out on me to avoid everything without a proper conversation in a violent manner, I want you to leave it forever. You made an inappropriate choice. You are being abusive. You are unwilling to take any ownership of your abusive behaviour. It will never change and improve without proper expert intervention.

I've already forgiven you for what you did, not for you, but for the inner peace within me.

I understand that your cheating episodes, abusive behaviour , manipulations and then denials of seeking expert help have nothing to do with me not being enough for you but it's a mere reflection of your own self.

If you punch me and want sympathy for his bruised knucles even then it is physical violence and I'm the victim not you.

You have been emotionally punching me where you very well know that it would hurt the most heightening my fear of abandonment and then you want my sympathy for your bruised sense of self.

You are the one sick, really sick with 'Infidelity' syndrome.

A mistake can be done with as well as the temptation but only for once. If it is more than once comprises a non-deliberate automatic habitual action. Your reactions clearly show that you are unrepentant and you will continue doing it repeatedly without any control. For those that fell and are willing to rise, will ask for forgiveness and ask their wife to help by taking certain measures that will remove any form of contact for further cheating . No hiding behind passwords, everything openand transparent, no sleeping out etc.

But you used this opportunity as an escape to go out sleep with whomsoever you wanted to without me present to stop you.

Sheer selfishness and entitlement!



This is a reflection of your very poor character and deficits.

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