In God's name!

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Rimuru's POV:

Ahh I still can't believe Izu just left after our talk to find that demon!

Is this what it feels like having a brother and not wanting to give up on him...

I mean yes Diablo seems to be quite the good butler but still....

I don't trust this dude!

Veldora: Ooop look at all these people!

Me: Huh?

Shuna: You are not even here with us Rimuru-sama.

Me: Shuna drop that sama part already.

Benimaru: She is right tho. You seem distracted.

Shuna: Could it be that you are worried about Izuku-sama?

Veldora: Of course he is but there is nothing to wor-

All of the sudden the worlds voice echoed through the whole place announcing Izuku's rewards.

The god's blood....

I didn't know there is a stage over demon lord.

I wonder what that is.

Veldora: Impossible.

Me: Huh... why are you all looking so shocked?

Benimaru: I thought it was a legend.

The people all around us who were seeing us as heroes as Izuku predicted all of the sudden all bowed down to the sky and started to pray for Izuku. It was all soo confusing.

What in the world is going on?

What did Izu do?!

I swear he always find a way to get himself into some kind of trouble.

Veldora: He ascended to be a god.

Me: A GOD!

Benimaru: There only was one god who roamed this world.

Shuna: But it is said that that false god didn't had the empathy of all the 7 primordial demons and vanished soon after he became a god.

Me: So Izuku became a god?!

Benimaru: Yes.

It was not soon after we finished talking to each other that all the monster that we fake battled and us monsters that were under his command started to be enveloped in a golden light.

Confirmed. The individual Izuku Tempest evolved to a GOD. Gifts will be retributed.


What gifts?!

Does that mean that we will collapse?!


We can't have that!

Not now at least!


I don't feel sluggish at all and this power surge!

Could it be?!

After the light vanished I felt a lot more power flowing through my veins. I might have only been a spirit in a body but this felt different now.

Veldora: HAHAHAHAHAHA Looks like our younger brother is surely playing on a whole other level then us.

Me: PSSSSTTT!!!! Careful that no one hears.... you....

Benimaru: They don't have to after the light...

Our plan was to get into the cities and fake battle some monsters that we sat up and then be worshipped as heroes. We were also not alone as my friends that I met thanks to Shizue were with us. It was really exactly as Izu said. At first the people thought we were slaves and working for the humans but after a while they saw us battling having each other's back and thought we were companions and then friends accepting us too.

However now that something like this happened the people around us were looking at us.

Woman: Do you perhaps serve our new god?

Veldora: We don't serve him, we are his brothers!

Man: Oh my! Everyone quickly, let's treat our guest how they deserve it.

Me: Veldora! You didn't had to say that!

Woman: Nonsense! A family or servant of the god is also sacred and should be treated as such.

Benimaru: It seems our job is done here.

Shuna: Looks like it.

Me: Nope!

Me: Aham! In name of our brother Izuku sama, we appointed that the king who threatened and went against us, was deemed as a false king. He who do not dare to worship our brother and belittle our kind will be punished by the god himself!

Did I overdo it?!

Well they seem to worship Izu even tho they never seen him personally.

I am pretty sure he will come over here soon too!

He won't mind if I use his name for this.

At least no blood needs to be spilled!

He wanted to play the role of a saint after all....

Now he is a god....


I really want to know what he did!

Me: From today onwards my dear friend here who has seen and battled with my brother the god Izuku Tempest will be the king! All hail the new king! Moreover, we great jura alliance also declare peace and want nothing more than to coexist in peace. God is my whiteness and will punish me if I speak lies.

Ohh great now....

I really overdid this!

Look at them!

Well at least we established a new king!

Now time to go back!

Benimaru: Rimuru-sama, Veldora-sama, it is time to go back and greet Izuku.

All of the sudden Ranga came out of my shadow. It seems as if he was telepathically connected to the other wolfs since he came out and told us that 7 Primordial demons were now in our city and that Izuku was being carried by Diablo back.

Veldora: We need to head back.

Me: I agree.

However we couldn't just leave the new king here on the outskirt of the kingdom and as much as I hated it, I knew we had a job to do.

Me: But we can't.

Veldora: What do you mean we can't?

Me: We need to bring the king back and tell everyone who we are. Only this way we can live in peace. Izu would want us to do this!

Veldora: BUT!

Benimaru: That seems logical.

Shuna: *Sigh* I really wanted to see him back. I wonder what changes when one get's to be god.

Benimaru: I don't know.

Veldora: As the legend goes a gods blood is bure gold and the eyes will be too. They will beam full of energy and his power will be behind anyone's comprehension even further away from any skills perspective.

Me: As if it wasn't already with Heavenly Ruler and Apax Preditor or OfA.....

Now that we had a new goal and didn't need to fake battle, I had Ranga call more of his wolf comrades and we started running through the whole country announcing the new king and our alliance in Izuku's name.

Ahh what a tiresome day this is when all I wanted was to get back and see Izuku.

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