Last Wishes!

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Rimuru: Izuku....

Me: Brother!

He looked very bad and I could tell that he didn't had much time left. Ranga was also looking at us very worriedly. I could even see a tear running down the wolfs cheek.

Me: No, Rimuru! Please you need to survive!

Rimuru: There is nothing one can do for me.

Me: Rimu-

Rimuru: Listen Izu!

Me: But!

I wanted to grab him and run back to where we came from, our home. However, there was this big problem we had over there too. We needed him and yet he was in such a bad state. I knew very well that his regeneration was at its limit and that nothing could help him but the truth was that we still needed him. I needed him. He was the only person that I knew other than the monsters of this world. The feeling he gave me was different. It was probably due to the fact that we both came from another world.

Rimuru: I want you to use Apax Preditor on me.

Me: WHAT?!

Rimuru: Ranga, please serve him well.

Ranga: I will, Rimuru-sama.

Me: NO! Brother! You can't be serious! There must be a way to get you back!

Rimuru: Izu, I know it's hard but this is my last moment. Please, I want you to take over my role.

Me: Do you even know what you are saying right now?

Rimuru: I do. You are the only person I can count on to be able to defend what I built up. You are the next ruler of my little town.

Me: Rim-

Rimuru: I want you to have my skills too. This way my death won't be for nothing.

Me: I-

Rimuru: I also promised a good friend to free him from the chains he is in.

Me: ...

Rimuru: I know you can do it. So please accept my last wish.

I gritted my teeth in sorrow. He was right. I was stronger than the kijins or the orgs or any other race we had in our town. Still that didn't mean that I was ready to just accept what was going on. He was dying right in front of me and there was nothing I could do for him.

Me: I... fine... I will. But brother tell me who did this to you!

Rimuru: Someone who came from another world. A hero.


That was something that put me on edge. Someone who was called here from another world was called a hero. Though I knew from my previous life what a true hero was, I could say for sure that they were not heroes. If I needed to call them anything than I would say puppets. One of them to go around kill another one from another world was unforgiveable for me.

Rimuru: Izu, don't go after them just yet.

Me: What do you mean?

Rimuru: They are too strong for you.

Me: You don't know that!

Rimuru: I don't but I know that you are important to our town, or family.

Me: I.. I won't. I promise. I'll take care of everyone.

Rimuru: Thank you.

I knew it was time to consume him but there was one last question I had for him. He mentioned something about a friend in chains. If I didn't know what he was talking about, how could I take up such a burden? I didn't want to fail him after all.

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