Chapter 7

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'' Here we are , your room .'' Masaomi said opening a door in the thread floor . '' My room is next door on the right and Ukyos room is on the left if you need anything dont hesitate to come to me anytime .'' He said smiling messing my hair .

''Thank you Masa-nii .'' I said smiling back interring the room with Jess closing the door behind us .

The room was a big with Japanese style with a medium size wooden bed in the corner and a desk with a big closet . I liked the simplest that was in the room . I got to work on unpacking my stuff .


An hour later I was done unpacking m stuff with Jess . I looked out the window and sow it was night time , I changed my clothes to a blue cute mine skirt with a white button up shirt and I let my hair and started heading to the living room . It was empty but I sow Ukyo cooking in the kitchen alone .

''Hey Ukyo-chan .'' I said leaning on the counter surprising him .

''Hello Aya-chan , dinner will be ready in a bit .'' He said smiling turning back to cooking .''The others who will attend dinner will be here shortly but you can wait in the living room.''

''Ukyo-chan do you mind if I help you cooking dinner ?'' I asked shyle and he was taken back by what I said .

''You want to help me cook ?'' He asked still not believing his ears .

''Yes , I love cooking Ukyo-chan . I used to cook for myself all this time before I came to live here .'' I said embarrassed ''It was always me and Jess alone .'' He smiled and offered me a blue uprone . '' It will be my pleasure for you to help .''

''Thank you .'' I said happily and wore the uprone and we started working together on dinner .

You and me ( brothers conflict Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ