Chapter 2

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Italic - (Thought|Self internal communication)

Parenthesis - (Body sign language|Action|Character's tone)


(Third person's perspective|Third person's point of view)

When someone dares to challenge or face up against someone that is way more powerful than them, will regret their chosen decision of fighting up against Hoodie and Masky. Why am I saying this? Because the two male proxies are in a situation that wasn't their issue but someone's problem to start it first. Currently, they have finished beating their enemy and his group of henchmen. Masky starts to question their decision on trying to intimidate the two into forcing himself and his friend to their seats. 'These idiotic people aren't (censored word) aware that they're facing against two professional mass murderers/proxies,' Masky thinks to himself and then sighs to himself. People were very shocked that these two unknown people (who didn't know/see them before) just defeated the most dangerous bike gangster group in the country of America. The people start to cheer Masky and Hoodie because nobody tries to stay in that seat where the boss and his henchmen attempted to force them to leave their stops. Obviously, they didn't want this to happen, but it happened for the two proxies.

From past to present, the two have changed from being enemies to friends again since the Marble Hornets timeline

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

From past to present, the two have changed from being enemies to friends again since the Marble Hornets timeline. Since Slenderman has both Tim and Brian under his influential control, the two have been working up their friendship/partnership further, not into a homosexuality relation but rather than friend's way.

Back inside of the Slender Mansion, Benjamin has been playing his favorite video games and some of his friends are also playing with the professional gamer. One of which is Jeff - he doesn't have any experience of video games and it makes him enraged a lot through massive amounts of loss/defeat by Benjamin. One time, Jeff was so frustrated that he tried to murder Ben from losing to a another game of Super Smash Bros: Ultimate, but Ben transfer his body into the the game and mocks him for being a bad gamer, making Jeff more pissed off than before. The other proxies can hear Jeff's hard swearing from the living room and the kitchen, or inside their own bedroom. Some would try to laugh off of this, but wouldn't do it because it's not always like Jeff will (censored word) them up, right? Wrong, Jeff will chase after you for... reasons. However, he does it because he hates people that think it's funny to laugh off on someone who doesn't have a good experience and believes it is rude to insult him. Slender Man brings him and then yells at him for a loud noise complaint. So, Slender Man gives Jeff a harsh but reasonable punishment, putting Jeff into a heavy containment room with himself being tied up by metal chains around his entire body and a duck tape stuck outside of his mouth. Few proxies have reacted to this punishment; Jane has her sadistic look on her face, Nina is having one of her "sad" moment to see Jeff being tortured with his worst fears: cursed ships of Jeffrey himself and cursed images of himself too, Toby doesn't have anything to say but pray respect for Jeff. After his punishment, Jeff unconsciously enters out of the containment and then falls again to the ground once he's out of the containment area as Ben and EJ are staring down at the unconscious Jeff. Ben nudged EJ on the shoulders and then teased EJ that Jeff's poor gaming was very funny to have him punished by screaming loudly. EJ just stares at something else in the background that is staring back at him. Then it disappears in the bushes, making EJ more to question if it is one of Z̸̙̗̼̮̻͈̀̈́͂͜͝͠å̸̧̨̨̛͈̬̼̗̱̗͉̦̥̒͑͂̓́̓̓̓͐͛̚l̶̻͗̊̆̒͑͛̚̚͠g̷̛̤̮͓̟̿̉͋ǫ̵̧͍̹̰̗̃ͅ servants or a familiar face that he recognized as a enemy.

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