Chapter 11

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The rest of the year seemed to fly past. You and Harry didn't speak to each other or even look at each other again even though you both missed each other terribly.

Draco, Pansy, Blaise and Millicent were by your side through everything and even tried convincing you to speak to your brother a couple of times. Crabbe and Goyle had defected to another friendship group in Slytherin as ours had "Too much drama!" When they told you that you all burst out laughing. You didn't really care.

'The Golden Trio' had done your box in all year. Not only has Weasley and Granger taken your brother from you but they also turned him into something you didn't even recognise anymore. You hated the person he had become. Always the 'hero'.

Apparently, he played a live game of wizard's chess with Ron and Hermione. He put a three-headed dog to sleep and snuck past it. But the worst thing he did, well it was the best for the school but bad for you and him, was stop Professor Quirrell from getting the Philosopher's stone. You knew that there was something wrong with that professor the moment you laid your eyes on him.

During the year you had some really scary nightmares about You-Know-Who and you always woke from them with a pain in your scar. You never told anyone about the nightmares or the burning sensation in your scar as you didn't want anyone to think you were crazy.

Your first year at Hogwarts was finally over. You didn't want to go home. You were dreading it. You had to be in the same house as the four people you hated most in this world for the next six weeks.

That morning you had packed all your things and got ready to go to breakfast. As you were finishing your suitcase, you noticed your owl, Ebony, at your window.

You opened the window for her to fly in and she landed on your bed. She had a letter tied to her foot and you grabbed it. The handwriting on the front was very posh and fancy and you wondered who it came from.

You opened the letter and you couldn't help but smile.

Dear Y/n
I know I'm going to see you on the train but I just wanted to let you know that this has been the best year of my life. You are my best friend and I never want to lose you. I know writing a letter is cheesy but I don't have the courage to say these things in front of the others. I hope you will forgive me and I can't wait to see you after the holiday.
DM xx

You folded the letter with the biggest grin on your face and slipped it into your pocket. Beaming with happiness you skipped downstairs to the common room to wait for your friends.

Draco was the first person to meet you there and he looked shy. "Hey Dray," you said as you walked over to him with a smile. "Thank you for my letter," your smile reached from ear to ear as you leaned up on your tip topes and planted a shy kiss on his cheek. You were both blushing and grinning like idiots.

"Why are you two gushing like idiots and why are you so close to each other?" Blaise questions as he was the next one to join you.

You both quickly looked away and stepped apart. "N-nothing Zabini," you stuttered.

"Mhm. Sure" he said wearing his own smirk.

Once the other two girls had joined you, you all grabbed your luggage and headed to the great hall for your last breakfast of this year.

You sat with your group of friends and enjoyed our breakfast before you journeyed off the train and to the next six weeks of hell.

On the train, you sat in the Slytherin compartment with your four best friends and smiled and laughed. Draco was sat next to you on one side of the table and Blaise was sat in the middle of Pansy and Millicent on the other side of the table.

"Are you guys excited to be going home?" Pansy gushed with the widest smile you'd ever seen once the train had begun moving.

Millicent and Blaise both nodded in agreement and mirrored her excitement.

Draco just shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, and you groaned. They all looked at you with a questioning gaze.

"I have to spend the next six weeks in the same house as the four people I hate most in this world. I'm going to hate this." You sighed.

"You'll be alright Y/n. You can still write us." Draco reassured me but that is where he was wrong.

You shook your head with a sad smile. "No, I won't be able to. My Aunt and Uncle hate the wizarding world. They're muggles, they won't let me have any contact with any of you and then there's Harry," You groaned and spoke his name with all the hatred in your body.

You were dreading being in the same house as Harry. "Oh, Y/n," Millicent said sadly. They felt for you. They all did. You didn't know how you were going to spend the next six weeks away from them, but it's not as if you could run off to any of their houses. You internally smiled at the idea. "If only I was a few years older," You thought to yourself.

The train pulled into Kings Cross station and you groaned and tried to mentally prepare yourself. You walked off the train behind Pansy and Draco, Millicent and Blaise were behind you.

You stayed with them for as long as you could before you saw Harry step off the train With Weasley and Granger. You rolled your eyes and started saying goodbye to your friends.

You hugged Pansy then Millicent. You hugged Blaise and reached up on your tiptoes and pecked his cheek. Lastly, you hugged Draco the longest and stood on your tiptoes as you pecked his cheek too.

"I really am gonna miss you guys," You said wiping a stray tear from your cheek.

"You'll be back with us and annoying the living daylights out of us in no time," Blaise smiled as he cracked his joke. You playfully rolled your eyes and waved as you walked way towards your brother.

As you walked towards Harry you saw the disgusted look that he was trying to hide. "Don't start by giving me that look, Potter. I hate this just as much as you do. Let's just get this over with." you sighed, as you started walking away.

"Who said I hated it? And stop calling me 'Potter'. I have a name ya know." He rolled his eyes.

"Your face said it. And yes I do know you have a name, I've been your sister for eleven years but this year you didn't seem to think so." You bit back. You weren't in the mood to argue with Harry today.

"I'm not going through this with you again." He spat. The walk to your uncle's car was silent and awkward and you hated it.

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