Now feeling her fangs turned normal, inhaling and looking back at the males.

Walking up at both of them and hugs around their shoulders and neck. "Please guys, you are my family, my brothers. It hurts to see you both fighting when you both have the same dream. Please." Elvira pleaded with them. Vander and Silco looked at each other and hugged Elvira's back gently. Both saying sorry to her. Making her smile softly and breaking the hugs. Vander left Elvira's room leaving Silco and her alone. Elvira turned to look at Silco, smirking at him, chuckling while crossing her arms, looking at Silco. "So he was the one that did it?" Silco was surprised but chuckled with her. Nodding at her answer. "Yeah, he did. I thought you didn't care who started it first?" That question made Elvira laugh. "I did say that, but you're the only one who always tells everything the truth, don't hide anything from me." Elvira smiles at him. 

It was true that Silco never lies or hides anything from Elvira or Vander. He says the truth to everything of what happens or what he feels and thinks. Not once he holds back or hesitates. 

Elvira and Silco left her room and started to walk out of The Last Drop. 

Didn't bother to say anything to Vander they were going out. He saw but didn't bother because she and Silco always hung out. Elvira, taking Silco's hand running past people, accidentally pushed one down on the ground. Making Silco and Elvira laugh uncontrollably. 

Silco was confused the whole way of running asking Elvira. 

"Where are we going?" Silco asked, while smiling wide. 

"You'll see, it's a surprise!" Said while still taking his hand, now passing through between both buildings. 

Letting go his hand finally stopped as Elvira looked up. Silco calmed down from laughing plus running as well, looked at Elvira confused, following up what she was looking at was the abandoned building that has the crab sign on. It also had the title that said Crab, but the rest smudged out. Elvira took Silco's hand again, to go inside the building. Moving the heavy door, just only using a bit of her strength to move it aside. Dusting off the dirt on her hand, walking inside the building looking around the whole room.

Silco was still confused about what Elvira was trying to show him. Elvira turned to look at him and did a sign on her left hand as a 'follow me' term. Silco did with another room deep down, which was open wide. 

To Silco's surprise he sees a window that shows the inside. Like they were underwater. Elvira gave him a smile while Silco, smiling wide, walked up next to her. Reaching out to touch the glass carefully. And asked her. "Where did you find this place?" Silco said, turning to look at her. Made Elvira chuckle. 

She looked back up at the window seeing all the fishes, every sea plant glowing. Smiles at his question. 

"Well, I saw this place when my curiosity got the best of me. Cause I feel like no one has ever been here for I think years, or at all. Just abandoned. Not even used. Just all dirty with dust, plants growing from the floor, a bit of a mess. And I even found this room. Where all the sea creatures are in the window. Which I know you love." Silco did tell Elvira he loves the sea creatures. Fishes per se. "But that wasn't what I wanted to show you." Elvira said. Which made Silco confused. He saw her pointed at the window again. He follows up and to his shock.

There was a big creature. A shark. Passing by slowly. "That's what I wanted to show you. You did say you loved sharks. You never saw one in real life so....I wanted to make your seeing this."

To Silco, she already did. It made Silco want to dive in with that shark, swim with it. Made his heart beat faster with happiness. Elvira was the only person who ever made him feel comforted, happy, always there when he's in a bad mood. Always there when he makes a plan for Zaun he calls it. 

Not once.

She never left his side.

He trusted her the most.

She was more than a friend or as a sister that he and Vanders think of Elvira. 

He loved her like he never loved anyone before. He hesitantly, touched her left hand with his right. Intertwine his fingers with hers. Made Elvira look shocked, and looked up at him. Feeling a heat came up to her cheek. Which made her turn her cheeks pink.

Elvira's mind was racing crazy of what the actual fuck was happening. Why is Silco looking at her that way? Why is he holding her hand? Why is he smiling like that to her? What is happening???

Silco spoke up, breaking her thoughts out. "Thank you. Elvira. You always make my night and day. You never once doubted me. Ever."

That made Elvira's heart -dead heart- melt from his words. Finally smiling back and hugs him around his neck, Silco hugs back around her waist.

That always made her face turn dark red. But still smiles at his affection. Silco spoke while having his eyes closed. "Once we attack topside, we will all unite it as one. We will show those bastards. We'll show them." He opens his eyes which have a hint of gold in his left eye. Making a serious face. Keeping that one promise to Elvira.

"We will show them all."

Elvira opened her eyes also making a serious face, but with the taste feeling in her heart, revenge. As her sclera turned pitch black and her iris turned blood red.

"They all will respect us."


Words: 1520

Secrets and Lies (Arcane Silco x OC Vamp. Female)Where stories live. Discover now